forum gay-thic lit anyone? (o/o)
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Deleted user

Robert moved over to steady the stumbling Victor. "You can lean on me if you need to, sir," he said. "And no need to thank me, it's the least I can do."
He frowned slightly. "We can leave as soon as we're ready sir, but the port is quite busy this time of day. I had planned to call up a carriage to take us to my home, will that not work for you?"
His mind went to the things he still had to do before he could take them home. He'd been told that the owner of the ship was just outside on the docks, he'd have to speak with him. And before that, the quartermaster, to check the overall state of the ship. He sighed.

Victor was stuck. As a gentleman, he could hardly refuse Robert lest offend someone he considered-well, not exactly a friend but something close enough. But he also couldn't keep taking advantage of the man. "I… suppose I could stay with you a while longer, just until I've managed to contact my brother." the only one still alive after this whole thing.

"Do what you must to maintain your ship. I will still be here." he said, releasing himself from Robert's grip and moving to lie back down. That had been enough exertion from him, he thought, at least for the time being.


"Ah, your brother." Robert nodded his head. "And you can't stay with him?"
Suddenly he regretted asking. Considering all that Victor has told him, his brother might hate him now. He looked away, coughing awkwardly into his fist, then turning back and letting Victor lie down.
"A-alright then, I will return." He decided to just leave the awkward question unanswered, turning to the door and setting his hat back on his head. He nodded to the creature again, setting his hand on the doorknob.

Deleted user

"I might be able to, but he'll never accept…" he looked over to the creature. "You should go, do your duties to your crew. I'll still be here, Robert." he looked the man in the eyes sincerely, and his own eyes were tired and weak. He sighed, having a habit of sighing in great quantities, and leaned back against the pillows to get some more rest. Just standing up had taken a lot out of him, and he needed to take some time to himself to prepare for the journey ahead. He trusted the creature wouldn't strangle him in his sleep, they'd both come to the conclusion that they were all each other had now, and the death of the other would result in their destruction entirely.

The creature, meanwhile, was thinking. Mostly about death, the specific variety being of their own, and how that might help more than hurt in the long run. He was a wretch, good for nothing, a monster, and despite the promise he had made to Victor he was ready to end it all the second he could, just to make the weight on the world a bit lighter. He was a monster, The Monster, that was all he had to show for his life. He was a disgusting vomit stain on history, wouldn't things be better if he was gone? Wouldn't it be-

"I can hear you brooding. Get some rest, we've a long journey to prepare for and I don't think moping about will help anything." Victor said in a failed attempt to be comforting. Mostly, he just sounded sarcastic. Hopefully Robert would leave the two to their bickering.

Deleted user

(Me: How do I establish characters are mentally ill?

Me: Oh! I know! I'll just give them my exact, very ADHD thought processes and call it a day!

Me: oh no)


(I have once again adopted the creature as my child)
"Ah, alright then," Robert murmured. "Get some rest, you two."
Now regret wasn't the only thing tempering his mood. The way Victor had looked at him… Of course, he had seen much, but his irises seemed to be casting a spell of tiredness on him as well. Robert shook his head in an attempt to clear it. He awkwardly looked between his two guests before giving a brief, nervous chuckle. He took his leave.

The ship was, thank the Lord, in good shape. The ice had scratched the hull somewhat, but not so much that the damage was unable to be paid for. It was some thirty-odd minutes before all of the cargo was deposited from the ship, and then Robert found himself walking down onto the docks to meet the ship's owner. He skipped a little as he walked, trying to get his land legs back.
The man before him looked to be in his fifties or so, with a portly stature and salt and pepper hair. He tapped his foot with his arms crossed over his chest, seeming impatient, before seeing Robert and beaming at him. Robert rushed over.
"Nephew!" the man said, patting his back. "And after three months! How was it up north?"
"Hello, Uncle Benjamin," Robert smiled, then put a hand on his neck, unsure how to say it. "… I didn't… well, I didn't exactly make it to the north pole. We ran into a… complication?"
Benjamin huffed. "Complication? Since when did a complication ever stop my nephew from adventuring in complicated waters in the first place?"
"Since a few weeks ago," his nephew said, chuckling despite himself. "I'll tell you about it later."
Benjamin raised his brow. "You owe me answers, boy. Now, any damage? Injuries?"
"Just a few scratches on the hull, uncle."
"Ah, nothing that can't be fixed. Now, you better find your sister and tell her you're home."
Robert gave him a smile. "Good day to you, uncle." he turned back to the ship.
"Good day." Benjamin returned the smile, raising a hand in farewell.
Back on board, Robert went around and thanked the crew for their services, promising to pay them the next day. He made his way to the captain's quarters. He lightly tapped the door to announce his presence, then turned the knob and quietly stepped inside.

Deleted user

(I have once again supported this movement)

(also no big deal take ur time)

Victor was asleep once more, but the creature was very awake, and very alert. "Yes, Captain?" he asked politely, looking up at him from his corner. Even sitting down, the creature was eye-level with Robert, and it was an intimidating look. But the creature didn't care for intimidation anymore, not after they had destroyed their chances of ever being accepted, ever truly loved. He knew Robert hated him, after they had exchanged words before. But the creature was too tired for rage and pain, instead choosing numbness above all else.

"Is there something you needed? Are we prepared to leave for London?" he asked, shooting the sleeping Victor an anxious look. The man was snoring softly, but stirred awake at the voices.

"Robert!" he seemed… almost happy to see him again. And Victor was, he craved the connection the man gave him, the chance at normal he felt when he was around the Captain. The creature had become his normal, certainly, but at least now he had a chance at relating to his fellow man a little more regularly.

Deleted user

(Tbh I can't write non-mentally-ill characters. I can't. They are all going to have SOME of my EXACT ISSUES and that is a THREAT.)

Deleted user

(Indeed, but when it hits too close to home? Hide under a rock anyways I got a new therapist and she says I have more trauma than I could have ever accounted for so thats A Thing.)

@HighPockets group

(I just end up accidentally coding a lot of my characters as autistic and/or mentally ill due to the eternal struggle of "is this something neurotypical people experience or is this something I experience because I'm neurodivergent?")

Deleted user

(Tbh I just outright say that they're all mentally ill cuz its easier and also I don't want any neurotypicals in my stories lol.)

Deleted user

(Like, you already have enough representation! Give me some!)