forum gay-thic lit anyone? (o/o)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

(I'm sorry I'm just sad. Probably didn't do the math entirely correctly but still, Victor wasn't much older than me when he did the Bad Science so that's…. something.)

Deleted user

(Of course you do just be prepared to deal with my bad writing.)

Deleted user

(You're too kind, seriously, stop being nice to me. I'm eeeevil. I infect people with brain rot about what if Frankenstein But Without The Bad Parenting Techniques.)

Deleted user

(That would probably also result in less bad parenting just by the proximity of Clerval being there and bringing common sense to the table. Creature has two dads now and he's going to LIKE it.)

Deleted user

(Idk I think young impressionable adventurer combined with young but no longer impressionable Bad Science Man is… good.)

Deleted user

(Also, Robert slowly helping Victor regain hope in the universe? Perfection.)

Deleted user

(Just,,,, them being cute about boat stuff, Robert maybe treating the creature like danger son and showing him how to sail, Victor and Robert talking books, the dream.)

@HighPockets group

(Minus the whole "dying in the frigid arctic" bit that sounds like a life I'd enjoy; maybe I'd move it to the Great Lakes or something and live that dream fdkljfh)

Deleted user

(Yeah whenever I write AUs I basically universally avoid as few people dying as possible. Also you know whats even better? Walton/Clerval/Frankenstein polycule. Adventure boys. It's epic.)

Deleted user

(I get liking angst but personally? I only use it for cheap drama because I cannot make characters that Im attached to sad. I have to make them have at least a bittersweet ending to be happy. That said, expect some angst in this RP, I will probably kill some characters off.)


Robert moved over to steady the stumbling Victor. "You can lean on me if you need to, sir," he said. "And no need to thank me, it's the least I can do."
He frowned slightly. "We can leave as soon as we're ready sir, but the port is quite busy this time of day. I had planned to call up a carriage to take us to my home, will that not work for you?"
His mind went to the things he still had to do before he could take them home. He'd been told that the owner of the ship was just outside on the docks, he'd have to speak with him. And before that, the quartermaster, to check the overall state of the ship. He sighed.

Deleted user

(Yeah, I just… I think it would be fun. I still like angst a lot just not when I do it because I already hate my writing enough. But I still enjoy it. And yeah there will be so much bloodshed here it's crazy.)