forum Crossover Shenanigans // Closed with @whathappensifidothis // Stalkers welcome
Started by @the-void-phantasmic language

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

(Pup isn’t moving till he pets it)

The pup with Teth and Resh rolls onto it’s back. The older wolf with them watches them with an intense focus, which would be funny if it weren’t just short of Teth’s height.

@the-void-phantasmic language


Teth reaches over to pet the pup in front of her, while Resh simply watches. He glances back at Tsadi, shaking his head.

Tsadi glares at Teth and Resh, then reaches down and awkwardly pats the pup that’s bothering him. “There. Will you leave me alone now?”

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Resh’s pup looks at the others for a moment, before it starts running down the slope. It gets a fair distance away before it stops and looks back up at the group, waiting for them to follow.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Resh starts to speed up a bit, looking back at Tsadi and Teth. Tsadi also speeds up slightly, and Teth ends up jogging again. She doesn’t look too upset about it, though. She’s used to it.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Resh tilts his head and speeds up a little more, though he’s not going past a jog, because if he does he’ll lose Teth.

Teth starts running after Resh, looking a bit annoyed now but still not complaining. She knows how much Resh likes running.

Tsadi rolls his eyes and jogs after Resh, keeping a steady pace behind him.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Resh sprints for a bit before reaching the bottom, then skids to a stop at the bottom. He takes a deep breath, then looks back at Teth and Tsadi.

Tsadi reaches the bottom soon after Resh does, and Teth reaches the bottom last. She looks a little tired. “Seriously?”

@the-void-phantasmic language

Tsadi looks down at the pup, huffs at it, then looks back up at Resh and Teth. “What are you two doing?”

Resh looks at Tsadi and shrugs. “I don’t know. Trying to find another path, I guess-“