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forum @Calanthe |Closed|
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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Brenn shrugged, "That I don't even know, I'm sure there's a way though that I could keep them silent. I know Aaron is legit addicted to chocolate, so I got one down, and I really don't know about Lucas, I'm sure I could talk to him about it and stuff."


“Well that’s good, I wouldn’t want anyone to spoil our fun. So..we should probably set some ground rules and stuff. You know, just what we both are and aren’t comfortable with for this whole act we’re putting up.”


Brenn nodded, "That's fair, "he said with a nod, "I uhm, I don't know, you can go first, I guess, I don't exactly know at the moment, maybe I could get some ideas from what you say. You know?"


“Well frankly I’m fine with pretty much anything.” He said with a slight shrug. “I’m not dating anyone at the moment so I don’t have anyone to be bothered by it. Just don’t fall in love with me or anything.” He said jokingly.


Brenn rolled his eyes, "Same here, but let's not get too crazy, alright? And, in reference to your last statement, I don't think that would happen man, like at all.. ."


Brenn chuckled, "I guess we just never make it seem like we're official and we should be fine? Right? I mean, that should be the easiest thing to do, at least I think so? I've never exactly fake-dated anyone before."


"Sounds fair to me." He said cheerfully, very happy that his plan was working, then he felt his phone buzz, letting him know he had gotten a text. "Just give me a second,: he mumbled quietly, pulling out his phone and fumbling it slightly as he put in its password. He mentally freaked out when he saw that he had quite a few missed calls from everyone in their group. Then he remembered why he did, "Hey Nico, look at this." He said scrolling through his missed calls log.


Brenn shook his head, "I don't think- actually. . ." He mumbled as he scrolled through, "I think Victor did." He opened the the voicemail, only for the two boys to hear the other guy's voice nearly at hysteria, wondering what had happened and if the two had gone crazy. "Okay, well, I guess it's working." Brenn said with a smir, giving Sadie another belly rub, "Wow, these guys are idiots. . ."


"Sooooo." Brenn said, quickly texting a quick response to his roommates question, "What should we do now? I think Vic lives here? Right? And I don't exactly want him to see me coming out of your apartment, that could be a pretty bad thing, but Moose is probably hungry, so, should I just go?"


Brenn stood up, brushing off the dog hair off his lap, "Well, I'll see you later, then." Then he gently patted Saide on her back, "Bye girl, I'll see you later!" Then with that, he left the apartment, and started to walk down the halls, out of the apartment, and to his home.


Luckily, he didn’t run into Vic, but the guy would most definitely come bother Nico later, so he was just trying to enjoy the peace and quiet while he could. After maybe 20 minutes he texted Brenn, ‘did you make it back okay?’


Brenn sent back a quick text saying that he was okay. Well, he mainly was, Alec was giving him really weird looks, and wasn't even talking to him at that point, 'Yeah, Alec is just being weird.' He added quickly, closing the door of his bedroom behind him, 'Has Vic come over yet?'


‘Nah not yet, but it’s pretty much inevitable.’ He sent back, laying down on the floor next to Sadie, absentmindedly beginning to mess with her fur. ‘at this point, i think he might break down my door once he’s home smh.’


Brenn rolled his eyes at the text, a smile teasing at his face, "Probably knowing him, then if and when he sees me, he'll probably try to kill me. I mean, he has been trying to ship us since day one, and I've been just getting at him triggered and nearly killing him when he does, so I'm pretty sure he was fighting back the urge to kill me, or just scream in my face that he was right, you know?'


Brenn sent a laughing emoji before turning off his phone and lyin down on his bed. Moose, sensing that he had more than likely done something stupid -that bird at times seemed to smart for a bird- flew over to bed and landed on his back. "WHATTTTTT DDDODODOODODDOOOO YOOOOOUUUUU WANNNNTTTTT MOOOOSSEEEEEEEEE?" Brenn saifd, grumbling a little bit, he was getting a little tense at this point, what if things went terribly wrong. . .


Nico had set down his own phone before thinking of something. ‘so when vic inevitably breaks down my front door..what do i tell him? do i just deny it and stuff? or some type of ‘it’s my business and it has nothing to do with you’ type of thing?’ he sent the text, and as he waited for Brenn’s response, he decided he might as well make some food.


Brenn felt his phone buzz and picked it up, 'I don't know, maybe you sort of like deny it a bit but sort of act like it's true?' He texted back, not exactly sure what to say in response, 'I don't know, you do what you think is best.' He texted as he pet the bird, "Moose, I think I'm an idiot. "


‘k sounds good.’ He texted back, just in time it seemed, as he heard Vic coming down the hall. Vic always sounded angry when he walked, tending to stomp a bit. Today, he sounded even angrier than normal. Nico heard a pounding knock on the door. “OPEN UP NICO!!”
He sighed before simply responding, “go away Vic I’m not home!”
He quickly texted Brenn ‘if i die, you can have my dog lol’