forum @Calanthe |Closed|
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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Brenn shrugged, sighing a little bit, "Yeah. . .you're right, but I'm sure we could always convince them or something, you know?" But, it seemed as though now the conversation was over, and he focused his attention on the movie.


Brenn on the other hand was bored, he wasn't much of a movie goer to begin with, and this one seemed to bore him completely. He had fallen asleep during it, his head still resting on Nico's and was jarred awake when he felt the other boy, "Where are you going. . ." he mumbled, still half asleep, "I was comfy."


Brenn sighed grumpily, and muttered some curses under his breath, but still took Nico's hand, followinghim quickly out of the theater, " Well, now that I'm not tired anymore, do you want to just go home, or eat somewhere, or hang at my. . no we can't go there, Alec would see us and freak out."


"Alec is my roommate, Nolan is my. . ." He trailed off slightly, realizing what he had almost said. "Yeah, Alec((Oof, I just realized I completely just used that name from our other rp, so sorry)) freaked out yesterday when I told him about your car trouble and me helping, so today he'd probably just have a heart attack or something seeing you at my place, you know? Then he'd tell everyone else, and then we'd never have a moment of peace."


((Dude it’s totally okay no worries lmao. It took my dumbass a second to remember you actually knew about Alec and I was just like “:O I have a character named Alec!!” XD))

“That only makes me want to go more, freaking people out is one of my favorite hobbies. But if you don’t want me to go we can always just go to my place instead.” He offered with a shrug.


Brenn sighed, "Your place sounds nice, let's go there, please?" He knew that his friends had no clue about Nolan, like at all, but he still he didn't want anything to get back to his ears. He'd have to let him know about the prank soon, before things got too out of hand.


Nico had pretended like he just hadn’t noticed when Brenn had talked about this Ben guy. Even though he’d pretty much figured out what Brenn was going to say, he didn’t want to out him. “Well my place is this way. And it’s only about 10 minutes so we won’t be walking for too long.”


"Okay, sounds cool." Brennon said with a shrug, pulling out his phone. He sent a quick text to Alec saying that he'd be home a little late that night, so he could just do whatever. The walk was a nice one, the cool autumn air making the walk at least bearable, and they didn't run into anyone they knew so that was nice, "Nice apartment man." Brenn said as they entered the building, he looked around studying the lobby, "It's a lot more expensive than mine, I think."


“Thanks, living here is unfortunately the main reason why I still have a shitty car.” He chuckled softly. They got into the elevator, going up to the 3rd floor. Once they got out of the elevator, Nico’s apartment was a few doors down the hallway. He stopped at the door, “just a warning, my dog will try and bulldoze you, I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen though.”


Brenn chuckled, "If you liked, I could always mess around with it, if you'd like. I've been meaning to get a project car for a while, and I promise that I wouldn't break your car or something." He said with a shy smile, messing with his hair a little bit. "Oh, it's okay, I love doggos, I hope that he'll like me."


Brenn nodded, "Okay, will do." He said with a shrug, following her in the room. "She seems sweet." He said as she jumped up on him.


“She is.” Nico said, carefully pushing her back a bit more into the apartment so he could close the door behind them. The dog momentarily backed off, waiting for Nico to step away before jumping up on Brenn again, managing to jump pretty high considering she only had one back leg.


Brenn was yet to notice the missing leg, and was just happily scratching the dog behind her ears, "She seems like a sweetheart, I'm sure Moose would love her." He said with a chuckle, having gotten the dog to somewhat calm down a little bit. "I kind of wish I'd known I was going to come here, I would've brought some snacks or something, I mean I ready to do something fun or whatever, I mean I just had the greatest nap ever, sooooo."


“She’s an angel a majority of the time. Sometimes she’s a little shit but she’s still my baby.” He chuckled softly as he listened to Brenn ramble on. He sat down on the floor nearby the two of them, quietly observing.


He nodded knowingly a smile on his face, "So is Moose, honestly that bird is a jerk 24/7. But, I can't not love him if that makes sense." He squatted down so he could give Sadie a belly rub, "But he has his precious moments, like when I play a song he likes and he begins to head bop and things like that, you know?" Brenn said with a slight smile, "But, how was the movie? You know, since I kinda fell asleep and stuff."


“Yeah that makes sense, having a pet is just like that.” He laughed again softly when Brenn mentioned how he fell asleep. “I thought it was pretty good actually. Nothing really super worth mentioning, but yeah it was good.”


Brenn chuckled nodding a bit, "You're right, you're definitely right." He said with a happy smile, still hanging out with Sadie. "Really? I'm sorry I fell asleep then, I was just tired I guess, and the movie sort of just bored me, if that makes sense?"


Brenn shrugged slightly, then thinking about how that could be considered impolite or something mumbled a quiet no thank you. "Hey, Nico? How are we going to continue this? Eventually they'll all catch on to what we want them to think, then they'll start to expect more public stuff. What'll we do then?":


He shrugged. “I don’t know..continue to play dumb I guess? Act like we have no idea what they’re talking about? Eventually we’ll just admit that it was all a prank, probably.” He wasn’t exactly sure, not having thought that far ahead.


Brenn smiled a bit, "That could work, just sort of leaving them to guess and stuff? We would most definitely get on their nerves though. You know, and then there would be some like Aaron of Lucas who probably already realized that this was all a prank."