forum @Calanthe |Closed|
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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They’d agreed to just meet up at Nico’s apartment that day, during the hours that Nico knew Vic wouldn’t be home, so there wasn’t any chance of them getting seen together, or their plans getting overheard. That seemed like the safest thing to do right now. When Brenn got there, Nico had quickly opened the door, ushering him inside.


"So, what's up?" Brenn said, playing with Sadie, gently scratching the dog behind her ears, "Did you have a plan or something in mind?" He sat down on the ground next to dog, and looked up at Nico, "Well?"


"That's fair." Brenn said with a shrug, "So maybe we just like do it every so often and stuff then, like again, sort of obvious, but not really?" He said with a sigh, "This is so complicated. . .I swear to god. . ."


Brenn nodded, "Maybe just like once a week, or once every other week or something. And like when we're around each other, we sort of just act like we don't like each other at all, or like the other doesn't exist, you know? Would that even work?"


"Uh huh, sounds easy enough." Brenn said, still playing with Sadie a bit, but mainly focusing his attention on Nico, "Well uhm, since I'm here now, what should we do? Should we do our weekly mess with everyone's head gig, or should I leave now before Victor kills me?"


Brenn shrugged, "I don't care to be honest, I really just want to chill with Sadie." Who while he had been trying to decide had made herself more comfortable next to Brenn.


"Yeah, sounds cool!" He said with yet another shrug, still cuddling Sadie. "This is nice." He said, leaning his head against the couch.


Brenn rolled his eyes, "Well, uhm. . .I only hate your guts on certain days. . .Or really not at all at this point. I guess I sort just misjudged you at first. You're a pretty cool person. You know?'


Brenn sighed, rolling his eyes, "And now I dislike you again. . ." He said with a groan, smirking a little bit. "What's on?" He said looking over at the man, "I'mmmmm booooorredddd."


Brenn grumbled a little bit, the pillow hitting his head, then throwing it back. "Fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, hurry up though. I don't have all day man. Hurry it up."