forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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“So….should we head back now then?” He asked.

Meanwhile, little did they know that someone else was watching them. ‘This isn’t good..’ he thought to himself. He pulled out his phone, sending a quick text. “We have a problem.” He sent.


“I mean we don’t have anything better to do, right?” Simon said, gently kissing the top of the cat’s head that was in his lap. He set the cat back on the ground, taking Astral’s hand.

At seeing the two standing to leave, their stalker fled.


“Mhm I bet she will.” Simon agreed, staying close to Astral’s side.

The stalker looked over his shoulder, making sure he’d made a successful escape before continuing on. Spotting no one else around him, he descended back into hell where he’d come from. “Alec, we have a problem.”
The demon seated across the room from him sighed. “Why must you always lead with that?”


((You hurt my boiz I’m coming for your kneecaps I swear lmao))

Simon nodded, shutting his eyes tightly. “I’m ready.”

The other opened his mouth to reply and the demon sighed, holding a hand up. “You don’t need to answer that. Just tell me what you found.”
“So I found Simon.” The other continued.
“….with a god.”
Alec pinched the bridge of his nose. “Christ it’s always something new with this kid isn’t it.”



He shrugged. “I’m fine either way.” He could always talk with Mia later but it was rare that Astral was in this good of a mood.

After around five minutes of lots of frustrated noises directed at the wall, Alec finally found the capacity to speak again. “Why do I feel like he’s challenging me Emile? He goes and dates that one awful gang leader guy who I had to kill so he wouldn’t murder Simon and then Simon, instead of not dating anymore, goes on to date two more awful guys? And now he maybe sold his soul to a god. I’m so done with this kid.”
“You know he’s in a tough situation Alec..he’s pretty much homeless most of the time. If it bothers you so much, than you just don’t have to take care of him anymore.”
“No, no, no…I like him. He’s the first mortal I’ve wanted to take care of in a while…we’ll just have to keep monitoring him, and see how this goes.” Since they didn’t know it was Astral, neither of them were super worried yet. “And he looked fine right?”
“Better than he’s looked in awhile.”
Alec nodded thoughtfully. “Just keep a close eye on him when he’s down here.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


Astral smiled some.
"Well, there isn't really much to do around here. Perhaps we could figure something out together?" Astral would like having Simon's help- after all, Simon was pretty much the only one he had ever been like this with before, and he wanted to have things for the child.

(I'm going to laugh so hard when they realize it's Astral and Simon's fucked over-)
(He was, in fact not better than he was in a while)



“Yeah that’d be nice.” He said, smiling at Astral. There really wasn’t much to do, but he’d always been much too polite to point this out to Astral.

((Yeah Alec’s gonna lose his shit. Imagine just- breaking into Astral’s house just to be like “SIMON WHY ARE YOU SO DUMB YOU AMAZING MAN.”))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


"Well, what do you think would be something we could do? I know I don't really have much, but I'd like your help in figuring out what we might need." Astral smiled sheepishly.

(Astral wondering what the hells going on- "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP?!")

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Honestly Astral is protective as hell and he'd probably go apeshit bananas if they tried anything with his human)
(And I think if Simon tried to bring them in Astral doesn't really have anything in place that would stop them, they just wouldn't be able to take Simon with them which might hurt even more when Simon tries it again and finds out Astral changed it so they couldn't come anymore)

Astral sat down on the couch for a moment.
"Well, what's something you enjoy doing? We could build from there!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(P e r f e c t)

"Mm, okay! What do we need for it?" Astral tilted his head some, smiling brightly. He would enjoy doing it. Maybe he could even think of… creative things to do with his next human.
Maybe even go back to Mia, she wasn't broken all the way.