forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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“Well I normally try and feed all the stray cats I see so I’m basically their dad now. So I just wanted to stop by and say hi to my babies. If that’s okay with you.” He briefly looked back at the other, hoping he’d say it was okay.


“Thank you. I guess we’re just a lot alike, they don’t have anyone to take care of them and I usually don’t either. So I guess it’s kind of a way for me to feel better about my own situation by helping someone else.” He rambled on absentmindedly as he looked through the aisle.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral hummed some, nodding along.
"Well, I'm sure they appreciate it, too." He couldn't help but think of Simon like that sometimes. A stry he could use as he wanted. Still, the man had gotten to his soft spot, seeing how he could finally give Astral the thing he wanted most.