forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral looked around, taking in the sight of the store.
"Okay then! Where to first, cloths or hair dye?" Astral liked the reaction Simon had to his job. Really, he had to wonder whether one of those should would end up as his child, or if an entity new soul would be created. It was rate, but he had no idea with this situation.


“Hmm…I think clothes are closer to us right now so let’s start with that.” He said, grabbing a cart, starting to walk where they needed to go. He felt so much more comfortable back on Earth, he was more familiar with it and felt safer and more confident here. “I always get scared that someone’s gonna like…kick me out of the men’s section.” He said, managing to laugh a bit as they made their way in that direction.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral shook his head a bit.
"People are strange. Just how do they think it's okay to treat others like that?" Astral wasn't one to talk, but that was beside the point. He sighed, walking next to Simon.


He shrugged. “People just like being rude. It’s like our main thing.” He said, they’d finally made it to the clothes section and Simon began browsing, humming softly. He had more options now that he actually was completely flat.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral liked seeing Simon this happy. In all reality, the human was growing on him. The man was the one who was giving him what he most wanted, after all.
After a moment, Astral held up a hoodie.
"How does this look?" he asked of the man.


“Ooh I like it!” He exclaimed. “Go ahead and add that one to the cart then.” It was doubtful Simon would still be this happy once he found out what Astral had done. Things could go from being amazing between them to completely awful.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Good!" Astral put the hoodie in the cart. He didn't plan on letting Simon find out what had happened until he couldn't hide it anymore. He knew Simon would be more than upset with him, but he knew once the child was born he couldn't get upset at Simon, even if everything went down hill. He'd be eternally grateful…


“I shouldn’t need too much more.” He said, having grabbed a few items by that point. He browsed for a few more minutes, grabbing maybe two or three more things. “I think that’s all I should need from this section. Ready to go look at the dye?”