forum are you scared?//one on one (closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

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"Yeah I know and it's reasonable for me to think I killed you. Why are you so purple?" Grayson asked, suddenly grinning a moment later. "Oh my god are you blushing?!"


“I bet you want to. Let’s go.” Grayson snickered, grabbing his hand and pulling him back down the street.


Abaddon spluttered loudly, flailing for a moment before resolving to just letting Grayson tug him around like an oddly-shaped balloon


Grayson laughed and after a couple minutes they arrived back home and Grayson let go of his hand. "So..why are you blushing so hard?"


Grayson snickered and grabbed an apple, peering at Abaddon over the counter. “Why so vicious all of a sudden?”