"What's wrong? D-did I say something?" Grayson asked worriedly, looking up at Abaddon.
"What's wrong? D-did I say something?" Grayson asked worriedly, looking up at Abaddon.
Abaddon just made a strangled noise, covering his face now, which had turned a darker purple
Oh my god I KILLED HIM! Grayson thought. "I..I'm sorry! I didn't know telling you that would kill you!"
Abaddon burst into strangled laughter, the thought in Grayson's head strong enough for him to hear it and nearly wheeze
"What's going on?! What's wrong with you?" Grayson questioned frantically, frowning.
"I can hear your thoughts when they're strong," Abaddon giggled, curling up in a ball in the air
"Yeah I know and it's reasonable for me to think I killed you. Why are you so purple?" Grayson asked, suddenly grinning a moment later. "Oh my god are you blushing?!"
"Fuck you!" Abaddon exclaimed loudly, his usually pale lavender skin flushed deep purple around his cheeks
"Awww! That's so cute! I made you blush.." Grayson giggled, gazing up at him.
"Fuck you!" Abaddon screeched, flailing in the air now as he tried to hide his face
“I bet you want to. Let’s go.” Grayson snickered, grabbing his hand and pulling him back down the street.
Abaddon spluttered loudly, flailing for a moment before resolving to just letting Grayson tug him around like an oddly-shaped balloon
Grayson laughed and after a couple minutes they arrived back home and Grayson let go of his hand. "So..why are you blushing so hard?"
“I’m not,” Abaddon huffed, the prior tint in his cheeks gone by now
"Sorry. Why were you?" Grayson asked again, flopping onto the couch.
"I don't know and it never happened," Abaddon huffed
“It did so happen.” Grayson replied happily, looking up at Abaddon with a smirk on his face.
"Did not!" Abaddon screeched, curling up to hide his face better
“It did and it was great.” Grayson giggled.
"I'm going to eat you," Abaddon hissed from where he was still curled up
“Mm..no you won’t.” Grayson replied, ruffling Abaddons hair as he walked past into the kitchen.
Abaddon snapped at Grayson's hand, hair floofed and floating about after it was ruffled
Grayson snickered and grabbed an apple, peering at Abaddon over the counter. “Why so vicious all of a sudden?”
Abaddon just flipped him off, coming to float to a rest atop the couch
“I’m serious! You’re acting weird.” Grayson said, frowning slightly.
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