forum are you scared?//one on one (closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

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Grayson sighed a little, carrying Abaddon downstairs, wondering if Cyprus and Jay were still there. “I won’t drop you, don’t worry.” He said quietly.


The note had been written by Jay, thanking Grayson for letting them stay there for a little while, and there were a few dollar bills there to make up for the damaged window


Grayson smiled a little and set the note back down. He turned to the side and laid Abaddon down on the couch, standing up and walking around, picking up various things and cleaning up a bit.


Abaddon was quickly napping on the couch, a faint snore occasionally coming from him. He looked strangely peaceful when he was asleep, if something like him could be peaceful at all


Grayson let him sleep for another hour, glancing at the clock and realizing it was almost noon. He walked over to the couch and sat down next to him. "Abaddonnn.." Grayson called quietly, tapping his arm.


Grayson sighed and flopped down on top of Abaddon. “But I want to leave this hoouussee!” He complained, drumming his hands on Abaddons head.


Grayson ran upstairs and quickly got dressed, running back down with a wide grin on his face. "You look really good today." He said to Abaddon, tilting his head a little but shrugging a moment later, walking towards the door. He was in a really good mood for some reason.


"Thanks, it's called the 'I don't give a fuck but I'm still hot' look," Abaddon hummed, grinning sleepily as he floated after Grayson


"Seems like you do that everyday.." Grayson said quietly, walking out onto the busy street. "Can other people see you?" He asked curiously, looking over at Abaddon.


“But you weren’t in my head when I met you in the graveyard.” Grayson replied, walking happily down the street.


"That's because I was a hostless spirit. Now that I have a host, you're the only one that can see me…at least, the only human," Abaddon explained