forum Are You An Angel..? / OxO / closed! Pm if interested!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Matthew gathered up the chicks into their nest, tucking them against his chest as he lifted Rowan up in one arm. He pressed a kiss to his lover's head, smiling still.
"Shall we get going then?" He offered, turning to Rowan's mother.


"Mm…" Rowan smiled softly and huddled up against Matthew's chest. His mother got to her feet with a soft huff of effort and nodded. "That sounds fine to me, dear. I'll be glad to have a proper place to sleep at night." She chuckled warmly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"That sounds just heavenly," Matthew agreed, chuckling. He set off to lead the way, humming a much more chipper tune now. He was glad to be on their way, and to make sure Rowan finally got some proper rest. Not to mention get the bite checked out one last time, and have some proper meals for all of them.


Rowan managed to stay awake for now, although he was still a bit drowsy from being as still as he'd been for as long as he had. His leg was throbbing and aching around the bite wound, but he decided not to mention it. "I'll be glad to be back, for sure…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"And I'll set something temporary up for you so you don't have to come up to the nest," Matthew added. The extra stress of flying wouldn't do Rowan any good. Matthew smiled, bumping his forehead against the man's.
"We'll be there soon, promise."


"Mm… thanks." Rowan smiled tiredly and relaxed a bit more in Matthew's arms. "Do you think we'll be able to get there today? Before the sun sets?" He asked.