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"Yeah! I'm really excited, I miss having her around the house." His tone was wistful, so he changed the subject. "How about you? Anything hip and happening in your life?"
"Yeah! I'm really excited, I miss having her around the house." His tone was wistful, so he changed the subject. "How about you? Anything hip and happening in your life?"
"Not much, really." She admitted. "Music, books and a lot of tea, mostly."
"You make that sound like that's a bad thing," Tolly said with a frown, trying to nonchalantly wrap an arm around her shoulder. "I'd love to live like that! All story and song and… peace."
She shrugged. "Well, it's not like I have much else to do. This is the first time I've been out for two months."
Tolly turned to stare at her, sure she was kidding. "A cutie like you? No way!"
"I don't have that many people to hang out with." She said casually.
Tolly frowned, pulling her a little closer. "But you're such a lovely person. And fun to talk to. And just kind of cool. You have to have loads of friends."
She blushed. "Just… people."
"What's that supposed to mean?" he questioned, tilting his head at her.
"…Not fun." She said, shaking her head. "Hard to talk to."
"You talk to me," Tolly pointed out. "And I'd like to hope it's fun. Not to brag or anything, but I'm an ace conversationalist."
"No! I mean, yeah, it's fun, but other people… yikes."
Tolly snorted. "You're unreal sometimes, you know that Sage? Bragging aside, I'm actually not everyone's favorite guy so I'd say talking to me qualifies you for talking to most people."
She shrugged. "Maybe."
"You mean definitely. I'm kind of a dick, y'know. I get too mad too fast and it's… bad." Tolly shrugged, leaning into Sage's side.
She leaned slightly into the contact. "Well, you are. But I'm used to you."
Tolly snorted again, giving Sage a playful nudge. "Way to comfort me when I'm over here spilling my heart out."
"You killed a mandrake yesterday, Tolly." She said, giggling.
"I didn't mean to Sage! And the little dickhead deserved it!" Tolly pouted at her playfully. "I mean… he would've deserved it if it had been intentional. Which it wasn't."
"Sure, Tolly."
"Don't sass me! I have so many recordings of you screaming your heart out to Nirvana and I'm not scared to share them online."
"Don't you dare!" She said, jumping to sit up straighter.
Tolly stuck his tongue out at her. "Think before you sass then!"
She flipped him off, pouting.
Tolly flipped her off right back. "You can fight it all you want, Flowergirl. I've got blackmail on you!"
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