forum All my roleplays are dead please give me attention // closed oxo (I'll do more though)
Started by @Fraust

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"Mmmm… fine." Aiki got up and headed to the bathroom to wash his face. "We didn't turn out too bad this time." Eiji remarked.


"We've both broken ribs before, if that tells you anything." Eiji shrugged, and Aiki soon returned with a clean face.


The twins eventually pulled out some Ramen packets to make dinner for themselves. "Do you like Ramen?" Aiki asked Farah.


Aiki nodded and they and Eiji pulled out pots the start making the Ramen. Soon, they had three bowls full of it.


Aiki and Eiji sat down at the table with their Ramen, thankfully choosing not to race each other this time. They were both too tired for much more competing, so they just ate normally.


Aiki and Eiji looked at each other, not really sure if they should push for answers or just let Farah think for now.


"Ah?" Aiki and Eiji looked up, taking a few seconds to process before they realized what she meant. "Well… uh… I wouldn't think so, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try?"