forum A Strange Meeting -O/O closed- (Stalkers are welcome, may be offered cookies)
Started by @Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

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@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

"Oh definitely he did. But we can leave him like that." She sighed. his hand is nice. STOP IT, YOU ARE FRIENDS.
"I just thought you wouldn't call me a friend so early. I like that you did though. I means you trust me somewhat." She told him. "Maybe you should use your eyes more so you dont bump your head." Ki giggled. Her nerves fled and she felt happy. "Thank you. Although I could've handled it." She smiled at him. He makes you happy…Ki your catching feelings A small blush came to her face, and tried her best to hide it, but it only stayed the same. "where are we going?"

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"I- Well- I- Frick-" The whole call her friends so early thing made him stumble over his words pretty badly since he just sad the the truth but didn't want to admit he did somewhat trust her yet. He looked away trying hard not to blush and in the process drawing all emotion away.
"oh you try being a tall guy and not running into things!" he huffed frustratedly. Why is it so hard to speak around her? He flicked her forehead.
"Dont think too much into it. i just don't like pigs." He huffed looking forward again, but when he did he ran straight into a tree branch and was so ticked.

@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

She busted out laughing, "Karma." Ki rubbed the area where he flicked her, "Oh if you want to fight then we can fight. play fight that is. I couldn't stay mad at you." Ki blushed, she said too much already. She looked down to keep the blush away from sight. No. your friends. and plus he doesn't like you like that. right? "Where are we going anyways?" she asked, still looking down, trying to stop blushing.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He took out his knife and sawed the tree branch off, then turned towards her and started walking her with it, mostly the leafs hit her not so much the branch but he was still frustrated.
"Oh well you see I can get very mad at times so I'm afraid we work out as an, an item." He said it in a bit of a mockingly sweet tone. Liar, you know you could never stay mad at her. He huffed at his thoughts, chucking the dead branch.
He turned to look at her to see her blushing and immediately looked away, he had blushed a bit himself and there was no way he would let her see.

@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

"what? an item?" She said confused, "Who said that i wanted more than to be friends." Ki wanted to be more than friends, but she didn't want him to know. "Weird question," She said, "Could I braid your hair?" Her blush was still there, but not as bad. Ki, you need to calm down. She began to fidget again, her nervousness coming back. "You don't have to let me." she said, finally looking up, but not at him.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"I was refrencing when the pig said we were on a date. I swear every attempt i make a joke its like I'm talking to a brick wall." he huffed a her, her answer kinda stung him a little and he didn't understand why it did.
"Braid my hair?" he sighed, "Why not." He honestly had no idea where they were going just wantingto get away from the pig. he didn't and wouldn't admit he was lost.

@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

"Oh. I am not a brick wall. i'm just dumb sometimes." only because you fill up my mind, She nodded. "Sit." She told him, pointing at the grass. "You really didn't have to do what you did. I'm old enough to handle my problems." Ki looked at Dustin. You should just tell him. No. You've only known him for like two maybe three days. To be honest, Ki hated relationships. She was always the one to get hurt. "anything you want to talk about?" She asked him.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"I can agree to that." he walked over and sat down where she pointed at, noticing her distracted thoughts. "Maybe, anything you want to talk about?" He asked her not looking back at her. "You seem pretty deep in thought."

@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

"Hmm? Oh…no. Its nothing." She told him, starting to play with his hair. "I wish my hair was like yours. Soft." As she began braiding she talked to him, "I'm listening. Since you said maybe, tell me what you want to talk about." She couldn't tell him. Not yet. Its too early. and she didn't want to ruin her friendship with him. Although she did want to be more than friends. "I'm a great listener."

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"uh huh..sure." He sat there letting her braid his hair, thinking about what to ask. would it be more awkward to ask her favorite animal or to ask her what type of gifts she likes? he sighed before opening his mouth. "if you were too receive a gift from someone, what would be the best thing you could get?"

@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

"a good book." she answered, not really focused on the question, more so on his hair. "what about you?" Ki kept her focus on Dustins hair, how soft it was, how long it was. You should ask him something a bit more personal, get to know him she thought. "Did you ever have a pet growing up? I've always wanted a dog or a bird. Owls would have to be my favorite animal. The snowy ones more specifically." Is it bad that I miss holding his hand? Of course it is. youre friends.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Ah she answerd the question before i had time to ask it, almost like a mind reader he wanted to gag at the thought, he didn't make the slightest motion to show what he felt on the inside.
"A pet? No, not allowed. However I did have this stray cat i would feed and then he would let me pet him, he disappeared after a while though. I never found out what happened to him." He sighed thinking back. "Im assuming you didn't get one either?"

@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

"No. My parents said i couldn't. Not until I was responsible enough." She told him. "I did feed the stray cats and dogs around though." She finished braiding his hair and sat next to him. "So your a cat person?" Interesting. "And even now my aunt and uncle wont let me have a pet." She looked at him, tempted to scoot closer and lean against him. Stop, thinking about mushy gushy stuff. "their strict about stuff though. Strict curfew and stuff. But I dont listen to them." She told him more about her life than anyone. "You know, I trust you a lot."

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He listened to her speak enjoying the sound of her voice, even just a little bit. He ran his hand along he braid line, "not a bad braid job Ki." He looked at her with a look of approval in his eyes. not she needed it or anything. He listened to near the end part, "quite the rebel arent we? What other things that they do, do you consider too strict?"
"I can imagine, Your telling me pretty close stuff i gather." okay so idk if this makes sense but it sounded like a dustin line so its now there.

@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

"No talking about my work, talking about my parents, uhmmm strict chore calendar, if i don't do it then they take my phone." She began listing off the many things that they did. "No one can come over, no celebrations like birthdays. The list goes on. I just want to live a carefree life." Ki looked at him, "I enjoy you being here. Listening to me." She scooted closer and leaned her head on his arm. She didn't care at this point. She wanted him to know that he meant a lot to her. "I'm glad you like the braid. It's been a while since i've braided hair. I think I was 13 the last time i did it." I like you a lot Dustin. I just hope I don't screw things up between us. She thought to herself.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"sheesh, whats next, no breathing? They are waaaay too strict." he huffed, his mind drifting off to different ideas.
"Well, i like being here as well." He definitely hesitated a lot before finally adding on the well. he noticed how she leaned against him, aginst his arm and instinctively started to just stroke her hair. staring off into the surrounding area.

@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

She giggled at his comment of her strict household. "You're cozy." She mumbled to him, enjoying being close to him. Ki didn't care what time it was, she always could sneak back into the house if it got late. With him, time is different she thought. "Whats on your mind Dus?" She asked him, just curious as to what he was thinking or wanted to say. Ki didn't look at him, just at the area around the two. You're awfully close to him.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

The giggle followed by the your cozy made him feel very…..weird. He felt very warm and flustered and he didn't know why he did. He didn't feel this way around anyone else before, so why now? with her?
He cleared his throat, "a lot of things are on my mind, and whats on your mind Ki?" He continued to soft stoke her hair, giving her head a small massage.

@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

She enjoyed this time with him. It was more relaxing. Calm. "I've got everything off my mind." She told him, looking at him. Ki was now for sure falling for Dustin. But she couldn't tell him. Not yet. "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. I'm fine with that." She looked at him, and smiled.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"You little manipulator.." He narrowed his eyes at her, by saying it so dissmissivly made him want to talk about it even to it was supposed to be a surprise.
"Fine, do you like surprises?" he asked her looking down at her.