forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

Oh and on top of all this bullshit I have to deal with bullies 24/7 because who I am and when I am rping I can be who I am

…….isn't that the OPPOSITE of what rps are for??

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Oh and on top of all this bullshit I have to deal with bullies 24/7 because who I am and when I am rping I can be who I am

…….isn't that the OPPOSITE of what rps are for??

Yes it kinda is… though it can be that… But it should always be polite…

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Oh and on top of all this bullshit I have to deal with bullies 24/7 because who I am and when I am rping I can be who I am

I understand being who you are, but most people roleplay with their OC characters And use roleplaying (at least me personally) for character development, fun, and writing practice.
And there is etiquette to it, rules to follow, and so on. Like respecting the person who started the thread, and their rules.

Deleted user

can i just say…im not a furry … and i wouldn't want to make anyone else upset … so, im sorry.

Oh no it's not you Jake!! Hugs you and offers cookies as a peace offering…
If you're still waiting for someone for you're Harry Potter RP I could probably join?

Pm me and i can add you


Don't play the pity card. It'll just make things worse.

I've dealt with losing animals before. I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere, we've lost so many rabbits, chickens, cats, and quail throughout the years that I lost count. Often times we'll have to pick up and dispose of the bodies ourselves cause there's so many.
Also, if someone is doing that, why isn't anyone calling the cops???

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

can i just say…im not a furry … and i wouldn't want to make anyone else upset … so, im sorry.

Oh no it's not you Jake!! Hugs you and offers cookies as a peace offering…
If you're still waiting for someone for you're Harry Potter RP I could probably join?

Pm me and i can add you

Just tag me on the thread, (I don't wanna clutter my PM box)

Deleted user

Don't play the pity card. It'll just make things worse.



U know what I have already trying to blow my head off and my father tried killing me , I survived. I cut my wrist multiple times and u know what I don't think my life is worth living if people are gonna criticize me and who I am

Deleted user

We're just saying that you need to stop being immature….


@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Don't play the pity card. It'll just make things worse.

I've dealt with losing animals before. I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere, we've lost so many rabbits, chickens, cats, and quail throughout the years that I lost count. Often times we'll have to pick up and dispose of the bodies ourselves cause there's so many.
Also, if someone is doing that, why isn't anyone calling the cops???


Deleted user

Death Man, you have to stop. This is not an attack on you, it's a discussion about your behavior on this site.

Deleted user

Yeah, sorry about that… I hate the ‘guilt trip’ card… I do not want to explain, it’s a very long story.


Yo, so my brother told me what is going on and why on earth would u guys say this stuff to him. He has been through a lot he doesn't need this kind of stuff right now. So plz be nice to my brother and I will see if he can get back on here

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Yo, so my brother told me what is going on and why on earth would u guys say this stuff to him. He has been through a lot he doesn't need this kind of stuff right now. So plz be nice to my brother and I will see if he can get back on here

I'm sorry for saying this, but your brother has really bad internet etiquette, and he has been extremely impolite. He is immature, and yes, I will admit, some of the things e have said have been kinda mean/rude, but they are truthful.
He has PM'd people randomly, (Something you shouldn't do without asking, especially here cause we cannot delete it)
He has tried to control other people's characters in Roleplays,
He refuses to use proper spelling, and grammar, even when asked.
And the guilt trip card, (Saying he's been through a lot) is uncalled for and pointless. Nothing excuses bad manners. Ever.

Deleted user

internally screaming WHY, WHY DID YOU DO THIS, WE SAID WE WOULD HELP YOU, WE APOLOGIZED, WE WERE RESPECTFUL, YOU KEPT PUSHING US THATS WHY WERE RUDE, IF YOU WOULD APOLOGIZE FOR THE DISRESPECT WE WILL FORGIVE YOU AND WORK WITH YOU, PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO OUR POINTS, STOP YELLING, SLOW DOWN AND JUST, just try to listen ok? We want to help. We don’t want to hurt anyone. I will help you, just, try and see our side, alright? And what I did was completely uncalled for. I apologize for my paragraph of yelling and basically bullying. I apologize for my actions.


Listen my brother is in class right now he is a bit pissed off. I am gonna talk to him at lunch to try and calm him down but I don't know if he will or he won't

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I to, would help! I'm not trying to be mean or rude, if anything I'm just trying to be a good person, point out that something's wrong and needs to be fixed!
I am truly sorry for being rude or hurtful.
I promise you I am trying to be kind and patient here, but I'm at my limits here,

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