forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

Ella. You're so awesome, I don't even know how you can possibly be even more awesome! Like there's nobody else I know who's just as awesome as you. (No offense to everyone else, y'all are awesome too! Just hang with me, I'm trying to make a point here) Everyone one of y'all on here are awesome and amazing and special and unique in your own way, and don't let ANYBODY tell you otherwise, not even yourself.

Deleted user

mood aha
but that's also not exactly good aha
Ruby??? Woman since when are you on here?

i have some explaining to do dont i..
are you mad?


Ella did you just…. curse?

I did, didn't I
Forgot I'm only supposed to do that in all the angry self-deprecative messages I write to myself in Notepad

Also you're already a wonderful human

Ella. You're so awesome, I don't even know how you can possibly be even more awesome! Like there's nobody else I know who's just as awesome as you. (No offense to everyone else, y'all are awesome too! Just hang with me, I'm trying to make a point here) Everyone one of y'all on here are awesome and amazing and special and unique in your own way, and don't let ANYBODY tell you otherwise, not even yourself.

Uhhh… googles how to take compliments
T-Thank you


mood aha
but that's also not exactly good aha
Ruby??? Woman since when are you on here?

i have some explaining to do dont i..
are you mad?

how long…??

@saor_illust school

Ella. Writing angry self-deprecating messages to yourself does not help you in anyway. I recommend you delete all those messages and replace them with positive ones, such as "Ella you're awesome" and others.

Deleted user

mood aha
but that's also not exactly good aha
Ruby??? Woman since when are you on here?

i have some explaining to do dont i..
are you mad?

how long…??

i used to have it and then deleted it, never interacted with anyone.
then i got it back two weeks ago
i didn't even know you were on here til i saw your profile.
i thought you would be mad i was on here so i didn't tell you.
im sorry


Ella what's wrong?
You should replace those negative messages with positives.
Ella can't you see how many lives you've changed with just this one thread?
And for the better too.
You are an angel.
And you honestly have made such a big difference. Take a break for yourself honey. You deserve it


Ella what's wrong?

Can’t exactly go into detail but I have some serious problems I need to get over asap

You should replace those negative messages with positives.

I tried
Multiple times

Ella can't you see how many lives you've changed with just this one thread?
And for the better too.
You are an angel.
And you honestly have made such a big difference. Take a break for yourself honey. You deserve it



So, tonight in youth group, he apparently said, "I can't go into details, but I'm scared" in his small group. His mother is verbally abusive to him and I'm just really scared that some physical stuff might start as well.


He used to be on this site, but he left. I don't know if it would be best for him to know about this chat either. He's like, an absolute cinnamon roll of a person, and his mother is just so horrible to him. When he was younger he was crying and his mother literally told him "I don't feel sorry for you".


Such a sweetie, Caustic you really scored a keeper.
And I'll tell you the same thing I've told Miriam. You need to try to convince him to reach out. There are usually two ways that this works out, with exceptions
One isn't very pretty.

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