forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Hey, I'm home from school and physical therapy and I have to go hand write a history paper but it's f i n e

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Okay, time to go write the bombest history paper that has ever been written

I'll be on later my dudes Not like y'all will miss me but still

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I also have the sudden urge to come out to my mom but I know it'd end terribly
More on that later


Hi guys
i'm just a small teenage girl but people hurt, you know? People have made me stress a lot about eating
and sleeping. Those things don't feel exactly… right or quite normal anymore



Well I was happy with my weight. I mean, I'm not overweight or underweight. Just very average. But people started making comments about the way I eat, and then it became harder to swallow without feeling sick. Then it became hard to stop myself from eating. And it's just this painful cycle of 'wow your getting really skinny' and 'wow you eat really unhealthy' and it's driving me through a wall

@Pickles group

People have no right to tell you how to eat. Unless its your doctor or your parents. And when your parents are concerned about you not your weight or appearance



Well I was happy with my weight. I mean, I'm not overweight or underweight. Just very average. But people started making comments about the way I eat, and then it became harder to swallow without feeling sick. Then it became hard to stop myself from eating. And it's just this painful cycle of 'wow your getting really skinny' and 'wow you eat really unhealthy' and it's driving me through a wall

You should not limit yourself by the expectations of others.
It won't get you anywhere in life
What do you want for yourself

Deleted user

i'm pretty similar, except i'm pretty fuking good at pretending i'm getting better aha

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