forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Mojack group

Well that’s the thing.

I’m really confused about it, since I haven’t felt this way ever. (Or almost.) I don’t think I have gender dysphoria. That’s part of the reason why I’m questioning it, since I’ve always considered myself a girl. I do wonder what life would be like as the opposite gender sometimes. I don’t think it’s me going to be trans; it could just be just a phase for all I know, which is why I’m waiting.

It’s something I’ve had on my mind for a while, so I just needed to get it off my chest and out here. Like I said, it might just be curiosity. One of my friends went through a similar thing where she was a boy for a few months until after some questioning decided she felt better as a girl. So it could be that as well.

Deleted user

Hey, I'm interrupting to say @Bananapudding_is_extremely_stressed, I've been in lockdown for an armed dude {gun and knife, ran into my school, cop chase, big guns, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah} and you're always pretty safe. It's scary, but teachers know what they're doing if something ever does happen.
So yeah. I'm only moderately traumatized from that experience, but hey I'm safe!! We were in closed lockdown for five hours and almost died but it's fine

Deleted user

I've also…

  • Been in lockdown for students with drugs
  • Been in lockdown for kids fighting
  • Heard drug dogs f r e a k i n g T F out in the hallway {for those of you who don't have school drug dog tests, you go into lockdown randomly and pray it's drug dogs and not a real threat as the doggos sniff the lockers for druggos. If there's drugs in a locker, they bark once or scratch on it, but we've seen them full on jumping up on lockers and getting into intense barking fits through the window in the door.}
  • Had intense lockdown training that includes being taught how to break windows to escape and fight people off
  • A few real fires & chemical reactions
  • Had the power mysteriously go out, resulting in class and lunch being in total darkness
  • Been in a school tornado warning

@Pickles group

Two years ago we had to stay late in bio because of the drug dogs and it was in the freshman hallway so they were all going cRaZy right outside and it was really scary
Because I'm a wimp and I get scared easily

@Pickles group

Okay so I was hanging up some of my clothes and I saw all my fall clothes in the back of my closet and now I can't wait for fall

Deleted user

Sup ma homos. I am for once in a really good mood,and i want to eat. And im babysitting to…i don't like babies but hey money is money. Anyways. So if anyone needs to talk,lemme know.



i'm trying to write a short story for my friend which i have to get done by the 19th klsjflajsdflksjaflakjsdflksalj

Deleted user

Oh! That reminds me. I am so up for doing collab stories,if anyone is interested hmu. Im gonna be off for a while cause im seeing my babe today BUUUUUT ill reply as soon as i can.


nice! i doubt i'll be able to do that because i already have a lot of other writing projects in store why do i do this to myseeeeeelf but if i have time/energy i'll drop by your pms!


Oh! That reminds me. I am so up for doing collab stories,if anyone is interested hmu. Im gonna be off for a while cause im seeing my babe today BUUUUUT ill reply as soon as i can.

Hey I might be interested. I've got a story idea I think is really interesting, but it's hard to find the motivation to do it all by myself. If you aren't interested in that, that's fine too, though.

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