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Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I just caught a fly in midair and I'm not sure what to do with this new skill

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Mr. Miyagi never caught the fly, Daniel did but-
Anyway it's still alive. It's buzzing in my hand and I want to let it go but at the same time I wish to destroy it.


I did that once… I have officially become the "fly exterminator" of not only my house but both my grandparent's houses and every time I go there I end up catching at least 3 flies with my bare hands. Usually off of windows, but still.



Mr. Miyagi never caught the fly, Daniel did but-
Anyway it's still alive. It's buzzing in my hand and I want to let it go but at the same time I wish to destroy it.

Put some soap on it. It kills them almost instantly, especially dish soap, and doesn't make a mess of bug guts.

…I know this from way too much experience

Deleted user

Oh I haven't watched that one lmao rip
I let it go outside, despite my urge to just… Squeezes fist
And dude I would love to be a ninja. hey if anyone knows someone who wants to hire a ninja hmu


They wiggle a tiny bit but not really. It's quick and not that gross, there's no blood or guts, plus you can then dispose of the body in the sink, wash your hands with a bit more soap, and all the evidence goes down the drain, literally


Maybe, if you have enough to drown them in it. Disposing of the body might be hard though cause you can't take it anywhere without leaving a trail of soap since humans are too large to simply wash down the kitchen sink.


Oh dear gosh help me
I was drawing on my computer (as usual) when I started to feel a bit tired…
I looked at the clock, and surprise surprise, It’s almost midnight. This happens pretty often for me, no big deal. Right?

…I had the computer on full brightness with no blue light filter, was listening to loud music in the background, and guess what day it is? Saturday, meaning I have to get up super early tomorrow, go to church, sing for two hours, and somehow not die.

this is what I get for trying to be productive before bed


Ehehe, I have to wake up at 3 am tomorrow for my flight to San Diego, but since it's my first flight, I obviously can't sleep and wow here I am. I literally hate myself, oh my gods.

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