forum Where is everyone from? I'm curious to see how many places use this website.
Started by rae

people_alt 47 followers


Its a Canadian thing, basically just gravy and melted cheese curds on fries but you can get them fancier too. You can get poutine from basically anywhere is Canada


Where I live, it's horribly deathly cold in winter and burning hot in summer.

I hate PA, sometimes.

(Also, if you live near Carlisle, PA, go into town and try out Georgie Lou's. Great candy store!)


I just want the weather to make up its mind and stop raining every 6 minutes with sunshine in between


Yesterday my parents was like, hey do you want to move to America and I immediately freaked out

Pssst move to Wisconsin we have cherries and cheese. Not necessarily together but cherry cheese isn't bad.