forum Where is everyone from? I'm curious to see how many places use this website.
Started by rae

people_alt 47 followers


Here we don't really get spring and our snow isn't good because it continuously snows, gets warm and melts a bit, gets FREEZING, freezes all that melted snow into ice, snows again and covers the ice with snow, reapeat

Deleted user

I am from the "wonderful" state of Connecticut

I live there too!

Deleted user

I am from the "wonderful" state of Connecticut

I live there too!

Isn't it "Wonderful"

It's….Ok? I guess
I mean I've been living there for my entire life
but It's so boring
and the taxes are too high

Deleted user

I mean My mom wants to move out of state, but I kind of don't because I don't really want to leave my friends.

@HighPockets group

Yesterday my parents was like, hey do you want to move to America and I immediately freaked out

Pssst move to Wisconsin we have cherries and cheese. Not necessarily together but cherry cheese isn't bad.