forum Where is everyone from? I'm curious to see how many places use this website.
Started by rae

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throws cheese curds, Door County cherries, and ice cream to everyone

YAAAASSSSS!!! a fellow cheesehead!!!!!

@Moxie group

I’ve only ever lived in california. If you’ve ever seen me call someone dude, that’s why. The stereotype is at least partially real.

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I'm from Louisiana. Land of great seafood and Cajuns.
*Pets alligator *


Australia, Land of the Red Dirt, Den of All Things Poisonous, Nests of Murder Magpies and Home to Weird People

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Louisiana, Land of the Swamps, full of poison oak and bears, an abundance of red ants and crawfish, Home to Many Crazy Old People Who Yell at You to Get Off Their Lawn.

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Indiana, where we make a livin' off of a) corn farming, b) soy bean farming, or c) insurance companies, and where every day is a different friccing season. ;)

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one day oooooooh nice and warm the other day IS THIS FROST MOTHER I THINK I FEEL SNOW