forum Where is everyone from? I'm curious to see how many places use this website.
Started by rae

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Most of Notebook is from the United States, but it's also international.
There's people from Britain, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, etc.


Neighbor? Are you buried in snow, getting maple syrup, visiting the Breakers', or grabbing a Reuben? We've got quite a few neighbors around here.


Reuben, got it. I probably should have made that clearer in the first place. Snow is New Hampshire/Maine, maple syrup is Vermont, Breakers' mansion is Rhode Island, and Reuben is New York. Though now that I say it, most of the delis in New York are in the highly populated areas. Not everyone lives in NYC.

Deleted user

Reuben, got it. I probably should have made that clearer in the first place. Snow is New Hampshire/Maine, maple syrup is Vermont, Breakers' mansion is Rhode Island, and Reuben is New York. Though now that I say it, most of the delis in New York are in the highly populated areas. Not everyone lives in NYC.


@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm from good old Alaska. Where even the groundwater will kill you. (Seriously, they really need to clean up the arsenic from the Klondike gold rush…)(Plus, we should really belong to Canada, and at one point off of our coast, we are 43 miles from Russia…)