forum Well this is FUN
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people_alt 36 followers

Deleted user

I'm deceased
I'm happy things are slowly working out Emi but i do think that you should get some help.


Eris you're on the tea trend to?
I started the tea trend I'll have you know!
Jensen poured salt in their Apple tea and I suggested they change their name to SaltyAppleTea!

Deleted user

Ooooh do you guys want a picture of my piggles? It helped me cheer up in school and on the bus today!


Ooooh do you guys want a picture of my piggles? It helped me cheer up in school and on the bus today!

heck yeah

Deleted user

Oh? I only have guinea pigs, lol. Not pigs. Not a pig in a wig, I just call my cavies piggies.

Deleted user

Personally I don’t like tea much unless it’s like, overloaded with sugar and honey.


I like my tea strong and desirable like I wish I was, but in reality it’s soft boi herbal tea that puts you to sleep
If you know what I mean