forum Well this is FUN
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Deleted user

I started another trend apparently.

This time I told Lee I'd gift him my wakizashi and now they have it in their username. And here we've got Eris flaunting her mastery of katanas.

Actually, Emo and Eris started it in our OG, team homies chat

Deleted user

Hm I thought we agreed, tho, Eris?

agreeeeeeeeeeeeeed on????? Our hit list? Our favorite cookies? Whether or not Sebastian Stan is the hottest man alive??

We agree on a lot of things Emi dearest

Deleted user

Yeah… We disscused it in our chat because people started to use our Tea names.

Deleted user

Hm I thought we agreed, tho, Eris?

agreeeeeeeeeeeeeed on????? Our hit list? Our favorite cookies? Whether or not Sebastian Stan is the hottest man alive??

We agree on a lot of things Emi dearest

Ye what Lexi said


I think you did tell Jensen the tea thing, and then someone (Lex? I think?) told us in the PM chat and we all changed our names to tea themes

Deleted user

Yeah… We disscused it in our chat because people started to use our Tea names.

I swear I told Jensen the tea thing…

Well you did tell Jensen about that… But then I stole their brand and pretty much forced everyone in our group chat to do the same thing.


Yeah… We disscused it in our chat because people started to use our Tea names.

I swear I told Jensen the tea thing…

Well you did tell Jensen about that… But then I stole their brand and pretty much forced everyone in our group chat to do the same thing.

Gotcha. That's cool.


oh god emi im sorry im late to this but stuff like this pisses me off so much because its so familiar and so horrible and your situation is so much like my younger sisters and im honestly ready to fight your parents and

deep breath

If you need anything. If you need to vent. Trust me, I know what you're going through. The abuse that most people dont think is abuse because youre not covered in bruises. Its taken me a while to realize this, but emotiobal, verbal, and mental abuse are REAL. Its all a control thing, its disgusting, and in some ways its harder because adults never believe you. Well guess what, this semi-adult believes every word and im here for you.

ok. sorry. im heated. i hope things get better for you, youre wonderful and you deserve better

Deleted user

Thank you so so much (arrgghhhh I don’t remember your name, I’m sorry!). I’m finding it hard to go get help (as many of you requested I do) because of the restriction of proof I have (and my terrible talking skill). I went to the counselor yesterday for some type of guidance and got none. SS won’t be able to do anything, unless I prove it somehow, which I can barely videotape on my iPad (the only device I have, now, and which is also a school iPad). I don’t know how to get conversations without making myself seen or heard, because of the layout of my home. I’m extremely tired of the treatment I’ve recieved and yesterday just about pushed me over. I want something done, but I honestly doubt it’ll happen.


dont worry, some people call me Write, others call me Sarah. honestly im so proud of you for actually trying to do something, thats awesome!! keep gathering evidence. sometimes its easier to write down whats going on, instead of trying to explain it all out loud. video evidence is a good idea, but PLEASE dont get caught recording. i think youre on the right track, good luck!!


Yeah. Getting caught isn't something you want to do. Definitely try to reach out, don't ever go in alone. You have friends who love and care for you on and off this site. We'll do anything for you Emi. I'm sure something will happen if you keep trying. Take care out there, sweetie.