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Deleted user

Well guess what my awful dad is back at it again. He believes I took our Nintendo Switch (which I did, but I didn’t tell him this in absolute fear). He said he’d be checking my bag EVERY DAY until it was found, so I can’t smuggle it back. He also tore up my room and called it “a fucking mess” (I have screenshots of his emails if any of you want them). My friend said she’d take it and give it back to me in part of this elaborate scheme (she’ll bring me cookies and my Switch back tomorrow, which I’ll stow away in my laundry room and “find” on Saturady). She then said I shouldn’t have genuine fear of my dad, which I obviously betrayed I did becaude of my nervous shaking and speech. She thinks my father is a definie verbal abuser of me more than my sister, but he’s definitely abusing her more than not (basically abandoning in out own home).
I’m terrified of going home mainly because he might strike at me or yell at me for no reason. I put my name down for counseling and hopefully they get to me on time before I have to get home.
Is there anything I can do to help myself until I get talked to/go home? I’d really appreciate the help.

Deleted user

He keeps emailing me stuff like “if you brought it home and you’re lying, I’m selling it” and if he finds it he’s threatening I’ll never play it again.

I really want to go back up to the councilor. I need help.


Breathe, love. It's okay we're here to help. Focus. Do something you enjoy. Read a book, draw, write. Something to ease worry. Breathe. Count four as you breath in, hold for four and then let back out four. Repeat. Trace circles on the back of your hand. Whatever comforts you.

Deleted user

Thanks, Bleu, I tried those things and the breathing helped a little.

I went up to the counselor myself, looking for some type of help. She said what he’s doing isn’t really abuse, even though I was afraid of my father and going home. She tried to convince me to come clean, but I refused in the absolute fear of his reaction. I told her of my plan with my friend, but she said it wasn’t exactly smart to go through with a plan behind his back. She asked me to check up with her tomorrow, so in case he does hit me or verbally abuse me more I’ll have something to look forward to. Now I’m just confused and worried.

Deleted user

You need a safe place to stay. Can you go to your friends house for awhile? Maybe talk to their parents and get some advice from them? You know…adults you trust will help you.

Deleted user

staying at a friends’ house seems like the best option here…I’m so so sorry for you, no one should have to go through that

Deleted user

I can’t stay at a friend’s house, but thank you for suggesting it. I have my friend on my phone rn for support.

Deleted user

Oh I’m home btw. I broke into my dad’s stressing to tell him (though he was literally standing at the door waiting for me to find it). So he’s gonna sell it and honestly I just feel so dead. My friend is so concerned for me, she’s gonna tell her mom more and (her) mom is gonna message my mom about the whole thing.


Shit, Emi, I’m sorry
If things escalate, you need to get help
How much does your mom know??
Just know that I’m mentally hugging you rn

Deleted user

Okay, thank you, loves. I really appreciate all of this help I’m getting.

Deleted user

Emi, if this man does anything else… Report him, to the police or anyone. This could eventually become a dangerous situation and you should try and get out before it does.

Deleted user

abuse hotlines are one google search away. Incognito mode and clearing browsers works just fine

Deleted user

What's your mum doing in all this?

She’s off at work constantly. She tries to regulate but it doesn’t work.


Well, something needs to change, your dad should not be making you feel like this— that’s awful
Is there anything your mum can do?