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Deleted user

No, I’m not at a friend’s house. I’m on the phone with her.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Oh, Emi, hun, I’m so sorry you have to deal with this… You know I’m here for you whenever you need to talk, as long as I’m online.
I hope things get better for you.


Oh. Sorry Emi.
Maybe you need to reach out.
Whatever happens I want you to know that I'm totally here for you no matter what. You can always talk with me. I've got experience with asshole dads. And experience with helping people.

Deleted user

I went to the counselor but I don’t think that’s enough. Should I contact a hotline for something this serious?

Deleted user

Well I’ve talked about stuff he’s done to me before. I feel (meaning I’m not sure if it counts) like he insults me by calling me stupid and a freak for not wanting to do stuff with him/stay in my room or do something wrong. He’s yelled at me for stupid things, like trying and talking to my sister as we eat (in a completely civil conversation). He’s also called me filthy and my room a pigsty (I told a trusted adult this (who is the mother of multiple sons) and she’s said this is totally normal for a teenager???).

Deleted user

He doesn’t lash out at me, but he’s threatened me with it. He occasionally in the car hits my left thigh pretty hard to the beat of a song we’re listening to, and I have to push him off but that’s all I really remember.


He doesn’t lash out at me, but he’s threatened me with it. He occasionally in the car hits my left thigh pretty hard to the beat of a song we’re listening to, and I have to push him off but that’s all I really remember.

That's also lowkey physical abuse.

Deleted user

Emi. That's mental and emotional abuse.
Sounds like an asshole, honestly.

That’s what I thought but my friend and her mum think different.


The problem is that many abusers don’t know they are doing it. And in fact would be horrified if you suggested it. Even though there may well be evidence.

Mhm. Some of them do it because it's the only thing they know how to do. My friend's dad was abusive like that.

Deleted user

I’m sure your dad would just get mad if you said he was abusing you, resulting in not good. But what would he do if he somehow believed someone else who told him?

I’m not sure how he would react at all. He’s just unpredictable like that.


Well I’m going to go get food. Wish me luck…

Deleted user

Hi I’m back. The only thing that changed was that he blamed me for a game he lost and put it on me.

Other than this, I’m feeling a lot better. I’m dreading my mom coming home, though.


Shit, Emi, I’m not a professional, but that’s abuse

It’s fantastic that you’re feeling better, and try not to worry too much about your mom
It’ll all be fine in the end, you gotta believe that

Deleted user

Thanks loves, I really really appreciate all of this. I might call a child help line but Idk if I should…

They’re doing alright. One grew a couple abscesses (one fucking burst) and we’re basically neglecting them because they’re so low on hay.