forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


@"Chase the Gay and Grey Coastal Wolf "
Just in case they couldn't find the OOC chat. :D

@Dragoncita group

I can have my hydra interact with their charrie, since he's currently looking for somewhere warm before they freeze to death. They are that weak to extreme cold. Even it if doesn't seem too cold to someone else, they might be freezing.


That sounds good. It gets more characters in the same area as well. :D


Very much because she can shift moods in a second. He's already bad with people. lol


I cut her some slack, she just confuses Aaron. She's a lot more emotional and open than he allows himself be.


I know she's angry, but what exactly does Nysaxiope think about Aaron?