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Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Everyone here can ask for a few characters. Just know I'll either take a long time or only do a few. Like I said, it's fun but I also have some Tech projects.

Deleted user

Can you draw Time?
Name: Name unknown, subject has responded to names such as- Vertas, Meyrill, and Time. Subject seems to use Time the most.
Age: Age Unknown
Gender: Subjects gender seems to vary with each name it responds to. Vertas seems to be male, Meyrill seems to be either female or gender neutral, and Time as a whole seems to use both male and female pronouns with an equal amount of use.
Species: It has been determined that subject's species is of the unknown variety but has aspects of multiple species. It has also been deemed that the other names the subject responds to are of different species and can be seen in ghostly forms when subject is responding.
Powers/Abilities: Subject Time is pretty much a drug in themselves, they have a strong aroma that smells like cologne. When they put their magic into action, they can trick the mind into doing anything. However, it seems that the subject is able to use multiple types of magic but, this magic is not Time's own. It is Vertas's and Meyrill's. Meyrill's magic seems to be a strength-based power as when Time uses this magic, they seem to have enhanced strength and speed. When Time uses Vertas' magic they can form force fields and manipulate the energy around them.
Weaknesses (At least 1): It is very hard for Subject to control their urges for bloodlust and their forms are known to take over at times.
Bio/History (Optional): Not much is known about the subject, they had simply appeared in the labs one day.
Appearance: The subjects main appearance is a small figure with silver hair and gold eyes with clocks as pupils. When speaking as the others, the subject has ghostly figures behind them. It seems that all "spirits" have not been shown and subject, on the few times they speak, have said that the others were shy and that they would show themselves in no time.


Species: It has been determined that subject's species is of the unknown variety but has aspects of multiple species. It has also been deemed that the other names the subject responds to are of different species and can be seen in ghostly forms when subject is responding.
Appearance: The subjects main appearance is a small figure with silver hair and gold eyes with clocks as pupils. When speaking as the others, the subject has ghostly figures behind them. It seems that all "spirits" have not been shown and subject, on the few times they speak, have said that the others were shy and that they would show themselves in no time.

Sure! Could you give some more details? Do they lean towards male or female in appearance? What do they wear? Do the clothes lean to a gender preference or are they unisex? If they seem to be many species are they more animal or human in appearance? If their age is unknown what general age range do they look to be around, young or old?

Deleted user

Species: It has been determined that subject's species is of the unknown variety but has aspects of multiple species. It has also been deemed that the other names the subject responds to are of different species and can be seen in ghostly forms when subject is responding.
Appearance: The subjects main appearance is a small figure with silver hair and gold eyes with clocks as pupils. When speaking as the others, the subject has ghostly figures behind them. It seems that all "spirits" have not been shown and subject, on the few times they speak, have said that the others were shy and that they would show themselves in no time.

Sure! Could you give some more details? Do they lean towards male or female in appearance?
They look like a skinny ass guy
What do they wear?
A cloak with some basic pants and shirt
Do the clothes lean to a gender preference or are they unisex?
They lean more towards Agender
If they seem to be many species are they more animal or human in appearance?
The only thing giving away their not so humanness is the clock like pupils and the silver hair
If their age is unknown what general age range do they look to be around, young or old?
More like a 20 year old…


Joins in the lurking. Little did they know, I was already lurking.

@Shadow_Knight group



Oh, lol. I'm honestly surprised I don't have a character named Ava now that I think about it. I have Alia, Aster, Allsmaktig, Allie, Almix, Amok, Aaron….. I have a lot of characters in general…. I make too many characters……


Same. I would have at least a quarter of a page of names if I managed to name them all.


Alia, Aster, Allsmaktig, Allie Rylet, Almix, Amok, Aaron, Ben Wilson, Ira Illison, Iden, Rayden, Nicholas, Oridone Lonari Scrap, Zara Scrap, Riveal Harley Scrap, Ellieson, Moshi, Dr. Speckles, Bane, Strike, General Shaler, Bennet Birchly, James, Wayld, Ria, Julivier, Cassie, Peter, Beri, Riley, Freakshow, Firo, Calico, Pish(Don't let family members name characters), Jack/Revi, Ruth, Petal, Ren, Pegg, Fallien, Maki Mountainhill, Mabeline, Quest, Jakie, Alaine, Ru, Richard, Mille Wilson, Ellis Larkier, Mr. Noodle

I've had a few years to make this many developed characters… I make sure each one has at least a basic backstory, even if they're just background characters. I have 4-5 that aren't here because I'm still choosing names for them, and others that are shared characters…


UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……. I make time for world building, started the project a while ago, and have irl friends that help me. One of their projects is actually in the realm my plot takes place in. About half my main protagonists are gone by the time it reaches climax though, the other half having to literally fight or die trying going against my 'villain'(They become the hero in the second arc). Theeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnn it all goes downhill in act three and all of a sudden everything points to you being the villain. I like making everything have a purpose and meaning and go overboard with stuff as a consequence. Which is also why I ramble.