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Started by @InstaOnly

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Aw, thanks for liking the summary of my plot! Also I like working with my friends because none of my family is really into creative things unless you count my sibling making giant cardboard swords. I'm still working on it though, hopefully once I figure out where to place some events I can make it a script and try to animate it.


Most of the ones I have are background or one time show characters, others I just stick in the background. What kind of plot are you trying to make? Mine's a weird hybrid of Fantasy, Horror, and some sci-fi because science still exist for those without magic. Oh… I forgot to mention my Bita-8 character.

@Dragoncita group

A few, like with the dragons

I do a lot of RPing in on a different site, which tend to help develop a lot of the characters.
I have a RP I'm actually trying to make into a long story


That's good! So long as it stays a passion you can really take your time making a plot. I didn't make my plot until a year or two into my (only)project when I actually found out the term was world building.

@Dragoncita group

Yea, I have a good idea and whatnot, though my problem is getting distracted lol

Doesn't help that I love making new charries and creatures
I'm actually working on a new species as of now lol


Oof, that's a mood. I was just redoing my species Night Fearoses.


Cool. Idk if you guys actually took the time to read all those names, but Ruth is a Night Fearoses. They're not friendly for the most part.
Wait… You named a creature Lacertaomin, or the species Lacertaomin?

@Dragoncita group

The species:

The Lacertaomin are humanoids. They mostly appear human, until you get to their legs. Their legs and feet are completely reptilian, looking more like a lizard/dragon. Coming from their spine, is a long tail that ends in a venomous barb. Along their arms and parts of their upper body they may have patches of scales. They have a forked tongue, which they flick out like snakes to test the air. Their sense of smell, hearing, and feel are extremely sharp
Thanks to their powerful, reptilian legs, Lacertaomin are amazing jumpers as well as climbers. The claws ending on the toes are able to curl and grip onto even the most precarious of ledges. Though they can also be deadly with these sturdy limbs. The claws can be used to attack, lashing out with powerful swipes to strip flesh from bone if needed.
Though their most powerful and interesting weapon is the extremely venomous barb at the end of their serpentine tails. The venom is extremely deadly, killing attackers or prey in either an hour, down to mere seconds. There is no known antidote to counter Lacertaomin venom. Once you are tagged by their barb, expect death very soon. However, they only resort to their venomous barb-tipped tail if threatened, backed in a corner, and there is no way out for them. They will lash their tails in warning, and usually use their tail to defend themselves in combat, knocking back attackers, etc.
On their upper, human bodies, the patches of scales they have the ability to harden their skin, the scales seemingly will spread across their body, giving them an even more scalier/reptilian appearance. This 'hardening' adds extra protection to their already tough skin. Their human torsos are much weaker compared to their scaled and strong legs. But the skin hardening to almost scales helps to protect their human torsos. The age of a Lacertaomin tends to determine how strong their 'hardening' will be (older individuals are able to gain much stronger 'armor', as younger aren't as strong).



I think I keep all the notes on my Night Fearoses in my head, but I have a sketch.


Seed Eater? The scary story one I totally didn't just learn about by searching?
Also Night Fearoses are basically the aftermath of a magic user being all too hopeful that they'd be able to get rid of fear. Not only did they fail, but now there's these things. They mimic the appearance of loved ones of whoever ends up in their territory at night, or those that have gone missing like the original Ruth, and depending on if they appear shadowy or more like tar they can use mist and shadows to make whoever/whatever is their next meal think their worst fear is happening. You're in danger if a hungry one comes across you, and can pretty much say your dead if a group stumbles upon you when you're alone.


Sketch of Mr. Noodles, because nobody asked for it. He's a part of my weird horror bit. XD


Ha you work with other people while writing. I am absolute trash when it comes to writing with other people because of communication and how I tend to want to know how the story works instead of jumping in, which is very different to how I act when writing alone.


Oh, I just discuss random plot points and characters with them for the most part. I'm very paranoid about telling anyone more than the basic summary. XD
I'll go post now….


Oh! Did I mention the Night Fearoses are the shadow creatures Aaron mentioned? They're also part of the reason Ben hates him.