forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Idk how to change the topic from wreaths and cookies, since I think our characters would get the big idea on what Christmas is by now but I'm bad at transitions. Any ideas on what to even do next with the direction we're headed with this RP, and how late do you think it is in the RP?


I wasn't talking about ending the RP. ._.
I'm mainly asking what time you guys think it is in the RP, since we said it was getting dark a while ago. That and what you'd like to happen next so I can start making a reply that moves towards that event happening and so others can throw out any ideas they want in the RP.


lol. The reaction when I assured we weren't ending it. It would be sorta weird to just come out of the blue and end it, especially when we were just RPing the characters in a conversation. I guess that can happen to some RPs though, since life gets in the way.
Also yeah, 6-8 sounds about right considering it's already dark where I'm at. I don't really have any ideas though. I would say send characters off for sleep and timeskip if no one volunteers an idea, but Aaron probably won't get any proper sleep either way because of how messed up he let his sleep schedule get.


Anyone have any ideas? If not we can just try to bring Dragoncita's characters more into the plot again and let ideas be thrown out whenever. :D

@Shadow_Knight group

I've kinda been wanting to throw another of my characters in but I will only do it if they are in the right situation. We could head out into the main library to have them meet the hydra and the other person and then go back into the rooms.


Wait. Now you do. Did you change it and it just didn't load for me?


Oof. I was so used to seeing a doge I was surprised just seeing a blank profile. XD
What is the new photo from?


You can't see it? It's a boy from some anime with red hair and a flower crown. I can't say exactly who because I'm bad at names and don't watch much anime.


If a character has motives or important story being shown or hinted at in a small tale, even if motives are skewed and/or names are not directly given, would you rather it be told as another puzzle piece in the plot or know it from the beginning as simply a reader or viewer? I'm asking to figure out how to structure some parts of my plot.