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Have some notes on how kitsune behave. Maybe it'll give you a better idea of why Aaron acts how he does. Idk who's supposed to post next so I decided to go overboard on research… Also, I DO TOO MUCH RESEARCH FOR MY CHARACTERS.

Many things about the kitsune is mercurial, from their moods to their treatment of humans, to even the abilities some possess. Kitsune have a depth of personality as deep or even deeper than those of other Japanese characters. The reason for this, according to one source, is that the kitsune is the Trickster, in Japanese culture. They are there to teach those around them lessons.
Kitsune are not truly good or evil. Quite literally, as spirits, they embody the concept of the amoral, those who do not accept, or understand, the idea of Good or Evil, instead, paving the way of balance between the two.
Kitsune follow their own code of ethics, though they adapt the morals of those around them, more for the sake of being accepted than for any other reason. Unless they are myobu, they can be both allies and enemies to the mortals around them. If someone offends what a kitsune considers 'correct', they can become evil, malicious, and disruptive. If someone behaves according to their ethics, they will become polite, kind, and helpful.
Kitsune are notorious for seeing a weakness in someone, and aggravating the weakness, until others see it. To those who are 'immoral', they tend to 'help', making the person more immoral, or guiding the person down the path of self-destruction. To the ones they consider 'moral', they become friendly, and helpful, though they may still play a trick, or show a small flaw in the person, to teach them humility. Kitsune have to keep their promises, and especially follow their word of honour. They become self-destructive if they break a promise, and when someone else breaks a promise, they become deadly enemies.
Kitsune do not accept aid from those who are not willing. Those who wish to aid a kitsune, must do so of their own free will. Kitsune are very unwilling to ask for help, and as such, most aid must come from another's initiative.
Kitsune are emotional and very vengeful. Kitsune will lose their temper at the slightest provocation. Once someone has earned a kitsune's enmity, the kitsune will begin enacting revenge that can become quite extreme. On the other hand, those who have earned a kitsune's trust and loyalty will see a friendship that can last through many trials.
Freedom is very important to the kitsune. They do not accept being forced into something they do not wish, and do not like being bound or trapped. Doing so weakens the kitsune, and is frowned upon by other kitsune.
All kitsune will use a name around others given to them as a joke or simply so mortals do not know their true name. If one has a kitsune’s true name they can bind, banish, or use spirit magic on the kitsune. Another could try manipulation without the name but it’s more dangerous the more powerful the kitsune is. One can use a kitsune’s true name for magic or to seal a deal in exchange for never using the name. Though for deals it is more common the exchange promises the kitsune the return of their star ball, a small white ball that is often hidden and speculated to hold some of their soul or power.


Also while you're here doing research and shit, I just make up all of the facts about sirens because I don't care about the original mythology that much


I'm very much a mythology person, though I do allow myself some creative room to put my own twist on things.


I get it. I nearly scrapped some mythologies for more creative freedom, but thankfully my world gives an environment were I can mix the different ideas at times instead. I scrapped a lot of Egyptian concepts so it worked with my world, though it's still present since my non-human characters are based off the older mythologies.

@Dragoncita group

A lot of my dragons are either based from mythology or games I've played. Then I tend to put my own twist on them.

As well as other creatures that are either from mythology, or ones I made up I put my own twists on


Did you see my notes? I just copy and pasted an entire page from my docs. Honestly it'd be cool to see some of your stuff!


Kitsune are emotional and very vengeful. Kitsune will lose their temper at the slightest provocation. Once someone has earned a kitsune's enmity, the kitsune will begin enacting revenge that can become quite extreme. On the other hand, those who have earned a kitsune's trust and loyalty will see a friendship that can last through many trials.

Dangerous revenge if a kitsune feels threatened, angry, or tricked? Bad. Hurting someone they trust in some way? Worse. Both? Whoever does that messed up big time.


You like making people's characters angry or uncomfortable, don't you? You had Nysaxiope messing with Aaron too. XD


Y’all don’t know how scary Aaron can be. One of you might want to have your character reel him back to reality so he doesn’t completely lose it and do something he regrets.


Oof. Maybe Dragoncita will post soon. They lurk around the site so idk maybe.