forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

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IDK how to have Aaron react. On one end, he listens to Nykidia and thinks of her as a friend. On the other end, his kitsune nature has him wanting revenge which can become quite extreme,but kitsune are also loyal to those they trust. I’m thinking of just waiting for Euric to post.


Question I’m going leave here for when Euric is on. It’s for their Villains and Music RP:
What on earth is going on? I’m confused what is currently going on in the school plot for students. Can you tell me where we are right now(Like class, lunch, after school)?


So…… You know how I mentioned my laptop was at zero percent for an hour? That’s because my charger died on me. I have to use my phone until a new charger comes on Thursday, so sorry if I have any typos or the format is weird….


Yay, my charger came early! The shipping was a lot faster than usual. Too bad the site will be freaking out until andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) finishes fixing it.


Hi! Should I bump the RP? I was sorta just waiting for Euric to post.


Everyone else: Chill dude. Everyone else has calmed down ._.
I can agree you have edgy characters. Though edgy characters seem to be well liked in most cases. lol


If we meet another dragon then we might as well offer ourselfs up as meals.

Pretty much.

@Dragoncita group

A lot of my dragons are extremely proud
Mainly due to the fact they were created by the Supreme God in my World, and hence they are also considered to be the Guardians of the Gods and Goddesses

It is the dragons sacred duty to protect the gods and goddess as well as the Elemental Lords and Ladies whenever the need arises


Wow. My world has the concept of gods, but has more creators than actual gods. Basically it acted as a haven for those not accepted by, or rejecting, their society or mythology until everything went downhill and the realm had to be sealed off permanently. I kinda already said that though through Aaron's dialogue when he was about to go over the edge and not even be able to have Nykidia reason with him. He's very bitter about thinking he could have prevented a lot of things.