forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

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Yeah if you remember from earlier I said there was one siren in each generation more powerful than the rest. That doesn't happen for the one siren. That is the one exception.


Nykidia has been promoted!
Slightly annoying friend has become trustworthy friend!
lol 'spicy but soft fur fox boi' is going to place his trust in Nykidia since he can't really fight for himself right now.

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Cherry has been deemed "Shark Healer" by me… No one else can take away my childs title.

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Y'all sound like a bunch of middle school girls texting….
I would know, my friends dragged me into a group chat that consisted of "OMG" "XD" "LOL" "OOOF"


Honestly Nys's point of view on the two of them is really: (for Aaron.) He's a fun person to tease. He definitely has a soft side. (for Nykidia) She helped Nys tease Aaron once. She's kinda cool. Didn't make too much of an impression, though.


That's because my friends use them all the time. Plus, I just don't like people upset. I admit it feels like I'm that one person spamming everything so I can dial it down on the "XD"s and such if I'm going overboard.
Also, I think the only way for the plot to continue right now is for Nykidia to go where Eberaus is held hostage…


If it really bothers you to double post and no one else has posted yet, there's always editing! Plus, so long as it continues the RP without it being a repeating occurrence posting twice seems fine to me. Though I admit I feel annoying when I double post too.
Also I don't think Dragoncita posts until a few replies have come in and allowed some interaction to happen between others. They said they wait until at least two people post.

@Dragoncita group

I usually do indeed try to wait so people aren't left behind. I tend to take my time to come up with a post
As well as I usually am busy during the day, and by the time evening comes I'm tired and need to think


I’ve been sick for the past few days so that’s why I have been posting so much. When I get better I’ll only be posting in the evenings.

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My posts tend to be scattered here and there, most of them short because I can fit a lot into a few sentences.