forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


This week for three days, the week before last week like one or two days (I don't remember) and the week before that I was out for the entire week and the week before that it was again one or two days and then it's too far back for me to remember but still quite a few days since school started.


I disappeared for a while there. Getting sick is awful, so is getting behind on work. Hope you feel better!


I think the only way to continue on the RP is what I mentioned earlier. There's not really any interaction unless Nykidia goes to the characters.


What I find funny is I'm using a bad tempered character that would be the 'villain' in my plot(Though I do like to blur the line of good and evil in my stories). Yet he's calmed down because he actually trusts someone, meanwhile everyone else has villain characters that have very few morals. Like killing for example, when it comes to Nysaxiope's parents from Mertis, while that's usually where Aaron draws the line unless he feels they're in the way of his plans(He won't harm bystanders if he doesn't have to). So it's cool to see how people have their villains act around others.


Question: Nykidia is still carrying Aaron or they left him to heal? Also, is it just healing or does the whole shadow thing leave side effects?


Hey so I never actually asked and I can't remember if you have said before but what should we call you because your full username just seems unnecessary to type all of the time

@Shadow_Knight group

To @Euric Knight. I'm sorry I was to lazy to call her by her full name and she only thought Nys anyway.
To @IOnlyHave1Project(StanLeeWillBeRemembered). Yes she is still carrying him and No. It basically just stops the blood from flowing out and it's like a place holder while the body rebuilds it's self. As it starts to heal the shadows gradually leave.