forum Watermelon
Started by @Crisis

people_alt 4 followers


Nah ur not
I had an aqquantence who thought it meant
'The action of entering a rog' I kid you not


I've just hit a wall. Like a writer's block wall. And I don't know how to get around it, and it just…. it's too high to climb in my current exhausted state so uhhhh guess I'm putting my trilogy aside for a bit


You're writing a trilogy? That's dope! I've had writers block for two months, I worked on it yesterday and wrote a three sentence paragraph -_-


Okay mood me too Path. I haven't made any progress for days. I'm on book 2 of the trilogy.
And Owl, I'm stuck in plot charting for my Alice in Wonderland fractured fairy tale. It's gonna be long and complicated lol


Pfft I haven't even charted out my plot yet. She gets adopted, she grows up, goes to war, and dies, with some fluffy family love bits along the way
I'm no good at this ☹️


Pfft I haven't even charted out my plot yet. She gets adopted, she grows up, goes to war, and dies, with some fluffy family love bits along the way
I'm no good at this ☹️

honestly I dove into my trilogy bc I had this one scene I wanted to write between two best friends, only one of whom was named. They were gonna be a best-friends-to-lovers thing. I decided it would be a world crossing thing bc I enjoy those novels and I figured out a villain and then almost killed the best friends in the first chapter and everything was a really big mess. And then, either 3/4s of the way through draft 1, or early in draft 2, I decided to entirely scrap the best-friends romance and deleted the scene I had based the entire novel on.
and it's only a trilogy bc I'm good at coming up with ending lines before I even get anywhere, so uh, I had to write 3 books to be able to use all the ending lines.
you don't need a good plot.
my plot diagram for book 2 of my trilogy (Trilogy is The Black Cloud Chronicles, book 2 is called Storm Chasers) is literally a bulleted list of a few things that need to happen to get to the ending line of book 2 and to set up book 3. It's 18 bullet points long and 5 of them are unnecessary lol soooooooo….

essentially my AiW book is the first one I'm writing with an actually developed plot
you don't have to do a whole lotta planning to be good at stuff
just write write write
if you're writing you're a writer and you're good


The only reason I started my book was bc I wanted to push someone off the top of a carriage
Now I want a man to help his 'daughter' read bc she has dyslexia. I guess I'm not doing too bad