forum Watermelon
Started by @Crisis

people_alt 4 followers


yeah you're doing fine.
again, I deleted the scene I based the entire novel on lol
my planning skills are…… not great. Subpar at best


I've got a short story coming up in school (Thanks mom)
I've got a basic idea of what happens.
My character's a part of a research crew in deep space and they come across an abandoned ship. Everything's fried except the vitals generator. They find a lone survivor in a cryo pod. They take him aboard and revive him and he claims he was a part of a crew and that the last thing he remembers is preparing for cryo sleep with nothing out of the ordinary. Turns out he's a psycho android that was jettisoned out into space. I'm trying to find ways for him to be a threat without being OP or directly screwing with the ship.


but uhhhh kill someone that's v important but not the pilot. Like the engineer. Kill the engineer.
Or if it's like a science/bio-research based research vessel, then have him release some critters that go and nibble on wires


oh okay lol
you know my bro uses that slang and I asked him that literally like 3 weeks ago
but uh I forgot so that's that


I only meant do the critters if the research vessel had been like, collecting samples, and if those samples were live critters
well I guess you can't kill the engineer now\
kill the navigator/course plotter


I will consider that!
I'm considering having him screw up the ship computer, but not sure what to have him wreck.
Like, nothing super serious, but still serious. If that makes any sense.


yeah I get it
life threatening, but not immediately deadly
just kill someone important lol
that's life threatening, and mostly not deadly
(only for one person… out of an entire ship's crew I'd say that's pretty good)


That would be great
gravity generator would also have bad effects- much harder to get around
med-bay: if anyone is seriously injured, then this could put their lives at risk