forum Watermelon
Started by @Crisis

people_alt 4 followers


nah fam it's bad for your muscles/body to work out all day every day. You can prob get away with only one workout session every other day. And as your body acclimates, you can increase time, intensity, and frequency.


Oh yeah def. I'm starting to exercise again (haven't really exercised in like… two years, excluding marching band season and the last two weeks) and I'm just running and doing bodyweight exercises and it's great gotta get those endorphins and fight those bad vibes


I don't excersize.. I probably should, but I don't have the time. I do want to start kickboxing, tho


I kinda wanna kickbox but my sis who did boxing a few years back told me that tall ppl are bad at kickboxing and I'm tall so rip


do they all do sports or do they just walk around walking into low hanging branches (which I do sometimes accidentally, so no judgement here)


do they all do sports or do they just walk around walking into low hanging branches (which I do sometimes accidentally, so no judgement here)

A lot of them do

they actually set most of the records around here

and here I am

the non athletic chump



We're all related

So when people ask "Hey, are you related to (insert name)?"

We just say yes even tho we may not know the name

And all my uncles' names start with T

So that's fun


do they all do sports or do they just walk around walking into low hanging branches (which I do sometimes accidentally, so no judgement here)

A lot of them do

they actually set most of the records around here

and here I am

the non athletic chump

okay big mood


Usual family gathering sum up

Me, to one of my many uncles: Hey Tim-wait sorry Tad! Nope that's not it. TED!

Ted: says swear word

Tim: Apologizes

Tad: laughs


Me, to my aunts: Jean! No wait….JOAN! Oh wait I haven't seen her in 9 years……JANEY!

Janey: Says swear word

Jean: apologizes

Joan: ….


I'm probably the most like Tom


Tom: says something political

Terry (my dad): tries not to murder Tom

Tim: apologizes

Ted: cusses and takes a swig of his beer

Tad: Talks about his 7 children (honestly I dunno how he does it)

Joan: absence and the sound of crickets

Jean: Tries to make everyone comfortable by being overly friendly

Janey: accidentally swears

Julie: Grunts and complains

Todd: Chugs mountain Dew

Travis: yells at his children

And all of this happens at the same time somehow