forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


In all honesty, I do actually know a decent amount about theological stuff since I grew up in church
So I can answer questions
But keep in mind that I don't have all the answers because 1) No one does and 2) I am a sixteen year old girl, not a theologian

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

In all honesty, I do actually know a decent amount about theological stuff since I grew up in church
So I can answer questions
But keep in mind that I don't have all the answers because 1) No one does and 2) I am a sixteen year old girl, not a theologian

So where are you, religion wise?


In all honesty, I do actually know a decent amount about theological stuff since I grew up in church
So I can answer questions
But keep in mind that I don't have all the answers because 1) No one does and 2) I am a sixteen year old girl, not a theologian

oh same actually. Just not tonight, i think my brain is broken tonight


Yeah, it was a rib
Kinda cool thooo

Take a rib. Make something new. Worldbuilding be like.

make soup

World soup.

your characters are the potatoes


In all honesty, I do actually know a decent amount about theological stuff since I grew up in church
So I can answer questions
But keep in mind that I don't have all the answers because 1) No one does and 2) I am a sixteen year old girl, not a theologian

So where are you, religion wise?

Uhh basically I attend church every week (online atm because Corona) and go to a private Christian school where there's a Bible class
My personal connection with God or whatever isn't super close since that's not really my think, but I know a lot of the general information
As for personal godly experiences or whatever, I can't help you
I could only explain logically why it makes the most sense for there to be some sort of creator, and why the Bible is reliable, and all that good shit from school units
They still won't answer my fucking questions on the gays tho


Yeah, I know, but there's a lot of debate on it and the teachers won't answer my questions
Like, obviously God isn't trying to deny people love. That would be cruel
But people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community can't exactly control or change who they're attracted to
And God created those people
So, if God created gay people with gay sexual preferences, is it cruel for him to forbid homosexuality?
There's some laws in the old testament that we don't really follow anymore because they were cultural things (ex: no tattoos, no clothing with two separate threads, etc), and while the "no gay" rule is stated in both the new and old testament, there's still some debate
It's something that I still have unanswered questions about

@The-Magician group

It’s discussions like that which remind me why I hated Religion: Philosophy and Ethics, and why I dropped out of Philosophy at college.

Personally, as a Wiccan, I have my own beliefs where Christianity is concerned.
Do I believe the Christian God and/or Satan are female? Not in the slightest, however they could be. Just because they are stated as “him”s in the Bible doesn’t inherently mean that’s what they actually are. Don’t forget that they chose to appear in different forms, for all anyone knew the people who wrote the books of the Bible could have only seen them as male as typically male is the more dominant gender (and since these are beings of great power it is natural to assume that back in those days the common folk wouldn’t have accepted a female in a dominant role).
I’m not ruling out completely that the Christian God and Satan are not female, because we honestly have no way of knowing——like everything within every religion, it’s all up to interpretation.

@Pickles group

My tablet isn't connecting to WiFi and I've already tried a bunch of things to fix it and if I can't fix it by tonight I'm going to have to be off notebook at like 8:30 >:(((

@ElderGod-kirky group

Propper sign placement is very important folks
Unless you have a good sense of humor, then it's perfect

Passed a sign yesterday advertising Denny's and Hooters

So it said Denny's Hooters