forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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Deleted user

this is bringing back memories of gay fifth grade me walking past Victoria's Secret ads and trying to play it off like I wasn't uncomfortable at all


Those "sexy" Carl's Junior ads were when I started to wonder if something was off, either with me or the world. On one hand I was completely uncomfortable and thought it was just weird marketing, but on the other hand I thought, why would there be so many sexy ads on TV if they didn't actually work? Why wouldn't people shut up about sex and "hot" people if it weren't actually apart of their lives? Why were there so many rom-coms and romantic sub-plots in movies? Why would people talk about lust and seduction like it's a real thing? That's kind of when I realized I wasn't your average allo, even though it was a few years ago and I didn't fully understand it yet.


"Sexy Carl's Junior ads" activates my fight-or-flight.

Same, that's when it's time to change the channel

@Pickles group

Wait Hardee's and Carl's Junior aren't the same place???

Same place different names iirc

I think Hardee's is easy coast and Carl's Jr is west but idrk. All I know is there's a Hardee's here and Carl's Jr is sometimes on Good Mythical Morning

@HighPockets group

There's one in Madison that I've like never been to, but I've been to one in Steven's Point (have I told y'all my story about the lady I met in the bathroom there?) and one on the way back from longing sigh Winona.


Wait Hardee's and Carl's Junior aren't the same place???

Same place different names iirc

I think Hardee's is easy coast and Carl's Jr is west but idrk. All I know is there's a Hardee's here and Carl's Jr is sometimes on Good Mythical Morning

Alaska had Carl's Jr and Nebraska has Hardee's, so I have no fucking clue lmao

@HighPockets group

Wait what story
I haven't heard the story

Tell us the story

K so I'm pretty sure I've mentioned DI before, but if not: it's a program I was/am in through school/my own spite and desire to keep doing it that focuses on STEAM elements. My team and I were up at UW Steven's Point for State that year, and we were doing a little 8-minute musical. So my teammates and I are in the bathroom getting into our costumes, and since mine was the least elaborate, I'm done the soonest and just lounging against the wall while I wait for them. I'm bored and holding onto this creepy little sun prop that we named Phillip (because we were all really into Hamilton) and so I start to sing "Dear Theodosia". Apparently there's another woman in there with us, and she comes out of the stall with a sign wedged under her arm (I'm pretty sure she was protesting for stronger gun control since this would've been pretty soon after the Parkland shooting) and after washing her hands, looks at me and goes "you have the voice of an angel, dear" and leaves
I was stunned into silence
Honestly the nicest thing a stranger has ever said to me, especially because I'm very self-conscious of my singing voice.

@HighPockets group

Literally 5 minutes before that my friends and I had laughed ourselves to tears over a so-dumb-it's-funny joke in a birthday card they got me ("I went to the zoo to look at all of the animals, and they didn't have any lions, tigers, or even monkeys. Just a dog. It was a shih tzu.") and then I was tearing up over Nice Bathroom Lady and I think that's the Gen Z experience.

@HighPockets group

I still have the sun
I might torment Lizzie by sending her a picture of him
He's lowkey horrifying


I'm tryinggggg but it's not sendingggg