forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

Deleted user

pfffffffffffff he just skipped it lmao–

I had to watch my bro. (Seizure one.)

The Seizure Bro™

Deleted user

so if satan is coded as male can we then make the assumption that satan is a butch lesbian and lilith is her fem lover

Except you really can't. Like, that doesn't work.

hey dom
guess what

Deleted user

with all due respect dom
christianity isn't very logical
not a lot of religions are

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

  1. It doesn't have to do with that at this at this point.
  2. Well. It is and it isn't. At face value it doesn't seem so. But if you read Mere Christianity it breaks it down to easy to understand logic.

@ElderGod-kirky group

How does it? It isn't a logical conclusion.

The entirety of Christianity (or any religion for that matter) is not logical

Satan could be a drag queen for all I care, and I'd roll with it because why not

@ElderGod-kirky group

Because by that logic, drag queens are evil?

No? By that logic, wouldn't Crocs be saying that butch lesbians are evil?
And Satan isn't inherently evil. He punishes the evildoers, no?