forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


Just shut up. Damn right I'm angry, Emu. I haven't been this mad since the fight with my mom, so either accept my friend here, or piss. Off.

@HighPockets group

Omg stfu Blitzwolfer, you friend literally isn't supposed to be here due to the pre-established rules of the chat. If you can't handle a website having rules, get off the internet you immature brat.

@HighPockets group

> Fourth Rule: Maturity Act is in place. This chat is now 15+ only.

This is on the first page of the chat (something you should probably check if you're going to be posting on one), and besides that, Linn quoted it to show it to y'all. You're under the age limit. Leave, and stop being a petulant little brat.

@larcenistarsonist group

why would you wish someone happy birthday on a chat literally titled "The Roodness Shenanigans" where shit goes down like every other day? I know you're probably tryna be nice or something, but wrong ass chat, bud.

@HighPockets group

Also the sheer audacity of someone who joined the site 3 months ago and has never commented in this chat before telling someone who's been around since the first Rudeness chat to "piss. Off."…lmao


Now you all make me upset, on my birthday no less. Way to ruin it. I'm passive-aggressive, so I'm sorry for the cussing and stuff.

@HighPockets group

why would you wish someone happy birthday on a chat literally titled "The Roodness Shenanigans" where shit goes down like every other day? I know you're probably tryna be nice or something, but wrong ass chat, bud.

Yeah exactly, especially since Transboi was only here bc they annoyed someone enough to get @'d. Y'all know there's an appreciation chat, right? Or you could even make a happy birthday thread?


Now you all make me upset, on my birthday no less. Way to ruin it. I'm passive-aggressive, so I'm sorry for the cussing and stuff.

guilt-tripping much?

@tungsten fastfood

Now you all make me upset, on my birthday no less. Way to ruin it. I'm passive-aggressive, so I'm sorry for the cussing and stuff.



@HighPockets group

Now you all make me upset, on my birthday no less. Way to ruin it. I'm passive-aggressive, so I'm sorry for the cussing and stuff.

You. And. Your. Friend. Are. Not. Old. Enough. To. Be. In. This. Chat.
It's a rule.
If you can't accept that not every chat is open to you, grow up a little.

@tungsten fastfood

I love how they're getting angry at someone for "ruining" their birthday while they told me to "piss off" first and while I'm sitting here rocking a donald trump x me pfp like how the hell can you think I won't mock you

@HighPockets group

If you're a minor in internet spaces, especially a site like where people of all ages can gather, you need to accept that not every chat space will be open to you. This chat is one with a lot of swearing, dirty jokes, and general mature content where we talk about things that are not appropriate for people of all ages, and the chat's founder expressly stated that she isn't comfortable with people below 15 being active in it, unless she or a mod have given them a seal of approval. You can't violate our rules and then get mad at us for enforcing them, birthday or not.


If you're a minor in internet spaces, especially a site like where people of all ages can gather, you need to accept that not every chat space will be open to you. This chat is one with a lot of swearing, dirty jokes, and general mature content where we talk about things that are not appropriate for people of all ages, and the chat's founder expressly stated that she isn't comfortable with people below 15 being active in it, unless she or a mod have given them a seal of approval. You can't violate our rules and then get mad at us for enforcing them, birthday or not.


Deleted user

asdfghjkl I go to hang out with my friends for half an hour and I come back to this-

i got snacks, you want some? 🍿🍿πŸͺπŸͺπŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€

@ElderGod-kirky group

the easy solution would've been to just say "oh sorry, i didn't know" and back out like a civil human being

but no. you took to telling us to piss off for enforcing a rule and getting irritated by a site wide message that didn't belong in this chat to begin with


asdfghjkl I go to hang out with my friends for half an hour and I come back to this-

i got snacks, you want some? 🍿🍿πŸͺπŸͺπŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€

eats all the cookies