forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

Deleted user

this is mine. i'm not really up for describing whatever the fuck this is

ew no don't like that

Deleted user

i sent them a stupid rav meme back
they replied with a bunch of letters
but not a keysmash because that's not how it works

Deleted user

i'm just having fun with it
it's such a one sided conversation but we're in a meme war right now

@Pickles group

Some of y'all's parents never taught you how to pour medicine and it shows
Also I don't know who needs to hear this, but peanut butter isn't a liquid ingredient


i mean for as long as i can remember my mom did it for us, and then i got to an age where she showed me how for my siblings. at this point though my family just…drinks out of the bottles lmao, usually the only liquid regularly used is dayquil or the night one

@HighPockets group

As the election-related stress gets higher, I just want to make two points
1) Make sure that you're safe, whether Trump wins or loses, whether that means from your family or from strangers or rabid Trump supporters. Maybe it's just my anxiety talking, but I'm expecting his fans to be, well, fanatical whether he wins or Biden wins. Stay fucking safe, especially if you're not white, cis, or straight.
2) Whether Trump wins or loses, things will get better eventually. The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it. I didn't say that, but Queen Jamillia of Naboo did, and it's one of the more well-written quotes from the prequels, not to mention one whose truth is rivaled only by "so this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause", which may be extremely relevant soon. We have the power to make change happen. Although a lot of us aren't able to vote, we will in the future if we hold on for that long. For my fellow young Zoomers, the next few years–should Trump win–will likely be rough, but we will hold the power to keep someone similar or, God forbid, worse from being elected in 2024.


I love those quotes, Jyn. And yes, while it may be our collective anxiety speaking, don't go flaunting your opposition in dangerous settings. Like the meme says, if Trump wins, we're all straight white cis allosexual able bodied men. At least for a time and a place.
The results of the election won't be decided tonight, but if Trump calls a premature victory, just know I called it lol ;)