forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@The-Magician group

So I’ve just had a gathering with my mates in one of their gardens…
Best fucking vibe I’ve ever had!!!
I really missed seeing people, I didn’t realise how much I genuinely missed looking at another person’s face.
Someone from work came to pick me up and I just have to say that I feckin needed that hug from him. I have gone over 2 months without even brushing against another person as I’ve walked past them so to finally get a hug——absolute bliss!

@The-Magician group

In the car though I almost freaked out at my manager (C). He was pestering for the guy who picked me up (M) to come online and play games with him and he said he couldn’t. M sent a pic to C of the view outside his car window and the first thing C said was “Are you banging [insert my last name]?” 😂 I’m there just thinking ‘how the feck does he know M is with me???’


I just got stared down by a boomer for wearing a headscarf (I don't see why else). Eyes on the road, lady, you might hit a cat.

Deleted user

I think sometimes people perceive it differently when it's typically a religious/cultural piece of clothing, and even more when it's being worn as an accessory.


I think sometimes people perceive it differently when it's typically a religious/cultural piece of clothing, and even more when it's being worn as an accessory.

I mainly wear it for fashion reasons, but I'd be lying if I said my religious customs didn't play a role in the decision. I don't wear it all the time, though.

@Pickles group

People that stop and stare at you for any reason rarely care about why you're doing or wearing the thing that they're staring at.

@Pickles group

Yo allos
Is it really a thing to be distracted by someone's attractiveness while you're in the middle of an argument? Like. That has to be a thing the media made up right? The whole "I hate him but he's so fucking hot" thing?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I mean… maybe? Idk. I would totally start looking at a person while their yelling at me. Most likely to check out their eyes (windows to the soul and all that) but I could see someone doing that.


Uhh…no? I mean…idk. I've never gotten distracted by someone's attractiveness while having an argument (I'm usually too distracted making sure that the points i'm making are hard to refute lmao)


Not allo but
Yeah it's a real thing. I've seen it happen, and I've had it happen, but it's not always when arguing. Sometimes it's just a regular conversation.


Actually thinking about it, I've never seen it when arguing, but I have seen it in just every day convos. I guess when you're heated it's harder to get distracted, but attraction is still distraction so I have no doubt some people experience that while arguing.

@The-Magician group

So they’ve reported on the Madeleine McCann case again. It’s been 13 fucking years since the girl went missing and they’re still going? And what’s more, they’re expecting people to remember conversations from specific phone numbers from 13 years ago!

I dunno man.. I’m still convinced the parents had a part in it, but what I can’t get my head around is why her case is so special? She isn’t the first child to be kidnapped, and she definitely won’t be the last, so why is her case the one that people focus on? I just don’t get it..