forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


how does one learn to brutally murder their internal homophobe
i saw something super fluffy and immediately thought “man i wish that was me” before realizing the drawing was two girls
so now she’s mad at me again

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You ever listen to a song and be like "am I listening to the song or is the song listening to me?"
Because it hits so hard
death bed by Powfu did that to me

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You ever listen to a song and be like "am I listening to the song or is the song listening to me?"

@Milani eco

any advice on how to come out to my family and friends? I dont think they will be mad/ annoyed that i am pan, but i just want to know how to make it as 'non-shocking' as possible ahaha

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Have I… found my people?
Well hi, I'm Astronomical and I'm genderfluid. That's pretty much all I can say right now.

Hi! Hi! Hi!
I'm Reed!
My Gender? Queer
My Sexuality? Queer
My Personality? Queer
Hotel? Queervago

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ALL HAIL THE QUEER!! gets on my knees and bows

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I've been waiting to make the joke for so long you don't even k n o w

@Becfromthedead group

I’m debating whether to come out to my family. I’m already out at college and mostly out in general. My family’s just kinda homophobic. Not to the point I would be in danger. I just don’t think they’d be very supportive. But I’m so annoyed with hiding so many facets of my identity, sexuality only being one of them.

@Becfromthedead group

Thank you! I feel like at this point I’m a grown ass woman and should be able to do this, but alas, that is very much NOT the case. It’s gonna be even weirder bc I’m in a straight-passing relationship. I feel like they’re gonna figure out once I get back to school because my roommates and I are filling our apartment with gay shit probably. That’d be a pretty funny way to find out tbh.

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this evening's aesthetic:
black shorts, black tank top, black baseball hat, black tennis shoes, brown belt, nAtUrAl MaKeUp (I haven't worn eyeliner in like a week and I don't feel like me)


Does anyone have words for a non-binary partner? Like girlfriend/boyfriend, but not gendered. I've heard theyfriend and ghoulfriend being used, does anyone know some other good ones?