forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@HighPockets group

Alright where's Mother Nature at because hands are gonna get thrown
It. Is. April.
Not. December.
It. Should. Not. Be. Snowing.

Ah, we get this too!! The other year it snowed at the end of March

It snowed on Easter this year, but not at Christmas. One of my shows last year (at the very end of April) got cancelled because of a "snowstorm" that ended up not happening

Deleted user

Mother Nature is more confused about seasons than ten year old me was

Teacher: It's snowing so what season is it?
Ten year old: I think–April?

@Pickles group

Mother Nature is more confused about seasons than ten year old me was

Teacher: It's snowing so what season is it?
Ten year old: I think–April?

Lmao I couldn't remember the order of the seasons

Deleted user

guess who just got a new sketchbook.
time to ruin it

Deleted user

Alright where's Mother Nature at because hands are gonna get thrown
It. Is. April.
Not. December.
It. Should. Not. Be. Snowing.

DUDE i hate it…we're supposed to get 6'' of snow!….ugh….gods help us…

@Pickles group

I'm almost always hungry and tired but if it's even remotely close to mealtime, hunger wins. When I get hungry, there's about a fifteen minute window in which I can ignore it. Then all productivity stops until I c o n s u m e t h e y u m

Deleted user

What is this snow?
I only know rain.
Rain's real nice tho

Deleted user

new england is weird, man. it snowed yesterday. sometime in january it was over seventy degrees and then we got heavy snow the next day.

@saor_illust school

its basically the opposite here
the last few days have been rlly nice
but it's only april!
save the nice days for summer!
i thought it was supposed to rain a lot more!

@Anemone eco

What is this snow?
I only know rain.
Rain's real nice tho

Snow is like frozen rain kinda. It can stick to the ground and pile up.

Here's the Google definition: atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer.

And it looks like this.

@The-Magician group

three inches of snow.
last week was in the 70's (21 for Celsius) and now we have snow?!

(The Celsius conversion is appreciated!)
What the actual feck? Your climate is involved with some voodoo I’m telling you now

@Toaster group

What is this snow?
I only know rain.
Rain's real nice tho

Snow is like frozen rain kinda. It can stick to the ground and pile up.

Here's the Google definition: atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer.

And it looks like this.

It's also cruchy when you step on it!

@Pickles group

It's like fluffy ice. And then there's sleet, which is quite literally just frozen rain drops and is just as bad as it sounds, if not worse

@Pickles group

There are three main categories of snow:
Packing snow (the kind that you can make into snowballs and snowmen), not packing snow (extra fluffy and results in crumbles if you try to pack it), and gray (also known as slush. The worst kind and the kind that big cities get. In the streets and on the sidewalk. It's like zombie snow that turned gray and watery from dirt and pollution)

@Pickles group

Hail is also somewhat bad. It hurts when it flies into your face at high speeds It's kinda fun though imo.

Hail is the worst of all. It bounces and can be very big. Hurts if it's more than the size of a bead and hits you anywhere that's not properly puffified. If it's super small, it's sometimes hard to tell if it's hail or sleet