forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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Gender is a human construct, and I'm very glad I'm not human, but instead, a crisis and a nightmare.

I love it


sits in the corner because i know none of you people but you are really supportive and even though like none of you talk to me i still love everyone here because emotions

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sits in the corner because i know none of you people but you are really supportive and even though like none of you talk to me i still love everyone here because emotions


i second this

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I like your profile pic



oh thanks, it's a khai dreams album cover

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I- I'm writing an essay on why The Man sucks
this is what carona is doing to me

@saor_illust school


i sat down
for about an hour just to write an essay
on why [insert the name of any friend of mine] should go to sleep
easily can be reformatted for any friend
with a few edits

Deleted user

S a me tho
my essay isn't even that good, I have zero sources and most of it is coming from experience

@saor_illust school

I like,,,
tried to use a scholarly paper i found
because evidently google thought that i was doing an actual essay for school
but like,,, it didn't work out because it was too hard to understand ahahah

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Oh oof, my stick it to the man essay has turned into an LGBT rights essay.
Did you know that Republican lawmakers in Florida submitted a batch of anti-LGBTQ bills with just hours to spare before the 2020 legislative deadline?
Like, what the heck???

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As a member of the LGBT+ community, I and those I love are constantly oppressed. This oppression comes in many forms, such as simply being ignored, misgendered, called slurs or even to an extremity such as death threats and being kicked out of our homes. I’ve endured death threats, being ignored, being bullied online from someone who refuses to show their face, among other things. I’m going into my first year of high school, so I imagine these things will get worse. I’m prepared to shoulder them, but I was hit with a realization; No one, no matter the age, should have these things be normal to them.

Most of use in the community struggle with our mental health, do you ever wonder why? Do you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, it’s because we’re beaten down, day after day with words and fists? According to the CDC’s 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, “60 percent of LGBQ youth reported being so sad or hopeless they stopped doing some of their usual activities.” I’ve never met a queer person who doesn’t have some sort of mental health issue. Even I have mental illnesses. I have depression, anxiety, sensory issues, and so much more. “LGBQ young people are more than twice as likely to feel suicidal, and over four times as likely to attempt suicide, compared to heterosexual youth.” Yet, even with this, we still fight our oppression. We still fight for our rights!

Republican lawmakers in Florida submitted a batch of anti-LGBTQ bills with just hours before the 2020 legislative deadline. If put through, the four bills would negate the protection of LGBTQ employees, legalize conversion therapy and threaten physicians with up to 15 years in prison if they provide particular transition-related healthcare to transgender youth. Researchers have found a significant link between respondents who had conversion therapy before the age of 10 and suicide attempts. If suicide rates in LGBT youth were already high, imagine the number of suicides if conversion therapy is legalized. Florida Democratic Rep. Shevrin Jones, the state's first openly gay African American legislator, spoke out against the bills immediately. "It's shameful that Republican lawmakers are wasting tax dollars attacking Florida's most vulnerable communities rather than prioritizing the issues that impact everyday people's lives," Jones said in a statement. "Clearly they've decided that discrimination and hate are central to their election-year platform despite our state's incredible diversity."

I bet most of you have never even heard of these, I didn’t until I started to research into the issues I and people like me face. I didn’t even know about these anti-LGBT bills in my own state. Do your research, find ways to help and be respectful. Take matters into your own hands instead of thinking that others will do it for you. Take action!

(And here's my small essay, badly written in an hour)

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I like writing essays and so, I thought maybe I could do something for my community… (I wanna get it one a site or smth)

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Haha, I'm a horrible story writer but I'm a good essay and speech writer