forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hell no I hate myself. I’ve always had very low self esteem it’s one of the main reasons I was signed up for therapy early on. But I have gotten better with it. I’m finally feeling pretty and smart, I don’t put on make up but I still can rest with my normal face. I’ve been finding myself annoying though, the stuff my siblings say really gets to me and they basically bully me (besides the one that no longer lives with me, she always complimented me and made me feel wanted). I feel like a waste of space and I feel useless. When he said yes to a date my life started turning around, no I’m not being cheesy. No joke he’s probably the greatest that has happened to me. He’s not only very tall and super adorable, he’s really sweet and listens, we even share dark jokes and he’s making me feel important. Bruh this turned into a vent I’m so sorry. But it’s true, ask Emi, or even Destiny, ever since he and I went out my mood improved, I improved, my grades improved, everything about me improved. I’ve been sweeter to my family, I’ve been smiling more, I’m laughing genuinely for real again, I’m feeling confident. Now I can finally say that I don’t actually hate myself, I’m now proud of myself. :) thanks for reading I’m still a stick lmao.

Deleted user

(Love ya guys though I’m not going anywhere, suicide can fuck off I ain’t depressed right now YEET)

@The-Magician group

Esa es una buena pregunta, ¿puedes parar?

Not everyone here can speak Spanish, and I’m pretty sure they don’t want to waste their time google translating what you’re talking about. So please speak en Anglais, thank you

@The-Magician group

en Anglais


Sorry!!!! It happens sometimes… I’ll be trying to write something in English and suddenly write “parce que c’est trop ennuyeux” or “Je voudrais avoir du pain”