forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Understandable, I don't have my phone. You want me to find some emails?

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It's okay to use them hun, they've saved my life more then I can count

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Yesterday was the fifth time a girl flirted with me, I know I’m Bi and all but it’s pretty obvious I’m almost in a relationship with a guy bruh what is happening.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Yesterday was the fifth time a girl flirted with me, I know I’m Bi and all but it’s pretty obvious I’m almost in a relationship with a guy bruh what is happening.

Lol, I got with my BF over the summer and then I got back to school and I suddenly had a few guys hitting on me and my BF also has people (including exes) trying to get with him.

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awww my ex cheated on me

That sounds so casual ._.


yeah im done i just want somone to love but no one likes me what is the point of love when love dosent love you back ?!

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Exactly. I feel that. I mean I really like this person but he’s giving me a chance. I’m lucky. But I don’t deserve this at all, I’m so annoying, short and ugly, why does anyone like me?

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Eh, I’m at a point where I’m not really bothered by calling me a she or he, or they. But I am a girl…? My brain is so confused


Exactly. I feel that. I mean I really like this person but he’s giving me a chance. I’m lucky. But I don’t deserve this at all, I’m so annoying, short and ugly, why does anyone like me?

Because you have a great personality and are a lovable and fun little bean
also you’re not ugly what are you talking about